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Third person POV

The feeling of his heart pounding against his chest made it hard for him to focus on where he was going. So many things had been flooding his mind, even his palms had glazed uncomfortably with sweat, leading him to rub them together in hopes of— drying them?

"Fucking hell," Jungkook whispered quietly under his breath upon noticing it, wiping them down his top a little; while his tear stained cheeks still uncomfortably sat on his face.

Jungkook stopped to hover in the air for a short moment, his head spinning which caused him to only feel lost, trying to gain back his senses to his best and make it back to the original path he had been taking.

Once taking a couple breaths in, the flower fairy began to fly down the memorized pathway, feeling a tiny bit better as he wiped his cheeks with his hands.

The action hadn't seemed to help much as the fairy flew around some more, being dizzy and accidentally hammering his body into a couple of leaves and branches, leaving him to stumble.

After a couple extra unwanted minutes of flying, Jungkook was able to recollect where he was, and what he was doing.

He took off once again, while he arms hung stiffly by his side, planted against his outfit, the wind blowing through his hair— which would normally be sort of comforting to him, but at the moment it was overstimulating. A cold burst of wind stabbing his skin, feeling as if he was being teared apart.

Once his feet landed on the familiar and comforting ground, he glanced around; looking for the fairy who caused this all.

He felt so scattered— so weak. Almost like he isn't in control of his body, his thoughts, nor his actions.

So powerless.

Jungkook wanted to scream, he wanted to punch something and yell about how frustrated he had been feeling lately, how disappointing he is for letting everyone down. For letting the king down.

Feeling his breath to start pacing, his vision going a bit blurry, he stumbled around, trying to figure out where to go next with out collapsing onto the ground.

He could almost—


The voice was soft. Warm, even.

The pink haired fairy could almost feel the bubbly sensation running down his body.

If only it could have stayed. To bad he was so upset.

"What are you doing here?" The voice spoke up again, the sound of a miniature twig snapping under the other fairy's foot as he slowly got closer, "I thought you were gonna head back to work?"


Without a second thought, Jungkook came hurdling towards the green fairy, his arms pushed drastically far out in front of him.

Once in close enough reach, Jungkook had done his best to try and push the other boy over, using all the force his weakened body could rumble up.

Which must have happened to not be a lot since Taehyung's body had barely budged, the green haired fairy's eyes just curiously shot down at the slight smaller fairy, internally questioning the action.

Upon noticing that Taehyung had barely moved at all only made Jungkook more frustrated, leading him to hit the boys chest a couple of times, his fists balled up tight.

Even though Jungkook had thought he was being powerful, Taehyung was able to cease him, taking ahold of his wrists and halting the action immediately.

"Jungkook?" He repeated the first thing he said, "what's gotten into you?" His voice filled with worry, taking notice in the tear stained cheeks Jungkook had came with.

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