Not so Dumb After All

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"Axetale is the perfect AU to abandon me in. While you go off to destroy, or do whatever you like to do, I'll become food for the inhabitants. Unfortunate, but it could be worse." Izik shrugged. Error stared at the man. "y-ou c-am-e wi-th m-me, kn-ow-ing th-tha-t i wa-as go-ing t-to aba-andon y-o-u?" Izik nodded. "Correct."
"w-hy?" Error asked. "I was taken from a home and family that I have been manipulated not to remember. I was then left alone until tasked otherwise. So yes, I'd rather die than be alone." Izik replied. "You saved me from that, even if it was for your own gain. We used each other. We are even now." Error hummed. This was actually unsettling to the glitch. Hadn't he been in the same position when he first woke up in the Anti-Void? No family, no AU, alone.. perhaps that's how he made his decision. He wasn't abandoning this human. He would be his new master. Izik would be his toy until the human broke or he got bored. Then he could present Izik to Nightmare. He smirked.


"w-e ar-e g-go-oin-ing t-to f-fin-nd-d th-he mur-der ti-ime tr-rio fir-rst. t-tr-y no-t t-o g-et ki-lll-ed." Error turned to the open portal and ensnared Izik in his strings. Izik didn't complain. In fact, all he asked was a simple question. "You changed your mind, why?" Like Error was going to answer that. He pulled Izik along as he walked through the portal and into the endless white of the Anti-Void. "Maybe you sympathize with me?" Izik pressed, making Error freeze. "Or maybe you want to give me to your boss once you free him, and let him handle me." Error relaxed. They were just guesses. Random, surprisingly accurate, guesses. This human wasn't as impressionable as he made himself out to be. Error hung Izik up amongst his dolls and souls. "w-e-ell co-m-me h-om-e m-mu-se-e." Error stated simply. "Got food? And a place I can piss, or do you expect me to starve and shit myself?" Error glitched. "j-ee-z f-u-u-u-ck hu-man!" Error dropped him. "d-o w-wha-t yo-u mu-st."


Izik was being genuine when he'd asked that. It's what 404 had him do his first week. Starve and wallow in his own feces and urine. Thank fucking stars Error let him go because he hated the thought of having to do that again. He did his business when he deemed himself far enough away and returned to who he supposed was now his new master. Error seemed very focused on what he was doing, a couple bars of chocolate set out for Izik. It wasn't exactly what he was expecting. "Are these for me?" Error didn't respond. Izik wasn't sure if this was a test or not. He wanted the chocolate, he was hungry, but he didn't want to be punished. Dying was one thing. Torture was another. "j-us-t ea-t th-e d-amn ch-oco-la-te so i-i ca-n fo-cus!" Error snapped. Izik snatched the food and devoured it quickly. It kinda reminded Error on a squirrel. He blinked owlishly. "h-ol-y sh-it.." That was probably the fastest Error ever saw a human eat. It probably wasn't healthy either. Error shook his head. He had more pressing things to think about.

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