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It's been some time since your first mission. You've been doing some missions with Anakin and the 501st.

Many things happened. But now, we seem to be in a different kind of threat. You've received a call from Master Yoda. It seems that Senator Amidala is in trouble. Something about a virus. She requested Anakin and Obi Wan to help. In consequence Anakin took Ahsoka with him and Obi Wan has recommended your assistance to the council, which they seemed to approve since now you're on a ship with them towards Naboo.

-"So, what are we doing again?" Ahsoka asked looking at Anakin.

-"We're going to help Senator Amidala, Ahsoka. Weren't you listening?"

Anakin seemed a little tense about this.


-"I think what she means is that we don't really know what's happening" You responded defending Ahsoka.

-"We will find out the details once we get there"
Obi Wan said trying to break the emerging tension.

After some time you were finally off the ship, then a man started to run toward you.

-"General Kenobi, Master Y/n, Anakin. We're so

-"Where's Senator Amidala?" Anakin spoke cutting him off.

-"She went to look for the lab"

-"And you let her go?" Anakin said upset.

-"Senator Padmé can be very hard to stop once she has made up her mind" C3PO spoke.

-"Good point. I know what you mean" You looked at Anakin.

Something's going on here.

Then the man spoke again.

-"This is Peppi Bow. She was the last person to see her" She was a Gungan "Padmé sent her here to safety"

-"Theysa looking for the sick-maker" Peppi said.
-"They?" Obi Wan said confused.

-"Representative Binks was with her" Oh no. You've met Jar Jar once. He could be very...sloppy.

-"Go with the Gungan. See if you can find them" Anakin looked at Ahsoka.

-"You got it, Master" You looked at her as she was leaving. Maybe I shoul-

-"Why didn't you send someone to look for them?" Anakin was upset again.

-"Considering the latest developments we thought it was best to wait for you"

-"What latest developments?" Obi Wan asked curiously.

You suddenly spoke.

-"Anakin, Obi Wan, if you don't mind. I would like to go with Ahsoka. She might need my help, I'm sure you will handle this" You said going past them. They nodded at you as you made your way off.
You and Ahsoka followed the Gungan lady. Now you were mounting a creature, hoping you might find them. After some time you saw a ship on the way.

-"What's that, Bow?" It was obviously a ship but that's not what you meant.

-"Dis da ship belonging to them"

-"So where are they?" Ahsoka asked.

You got off the creature and started looking at the ground. You saw the end of the tracks but you wanted to test Ahsoka's skills, see if she would notice. So you stood quiet.

-"Their tracks end here"

Nice done.

You stood quiet when you heard a sudden whirring.

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