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Garmadon has been granted the Lordship as he cheatingly won the duel against Clouse. To Clouse's surprise, Chen was praising Garmadon for cheating, as he did what he had to to win.

Clouse and every future student was now obliged to call Garmadon "Lord Garmadon".
Garmadon thanks to the venom would get extremely angry when people wouldn't call him Lord, especially if Clouse didn't, or if Clouse said it in a mocking manner.


Chen had to do some private business out of the place, so before he left he came to the two pupils and said "I shall leave for a day or two for some some...private business so Lord Garmadon, you will be in charge while I'm gone. If you two were equal I would have had you both at equal charge, but since as you might remember, my dear Lord Garmadon is now a Lord, he's at a higher position compared to you Clouse." Chen giggled, he enjoyed tearing the two pupils apart and turning them against each other. Clouse was pissed off, and Garmadon was amused. Chen picked up some of his supplies and started heading out, "Oh, and don't kill each other while I'm gone" he added giggling and left, hearing Clouse say "Oh you'll be the one digging his grave." and then Garmadon say angrily "Oh I'll dig your grave and bury you alive you fucker.".

Clouse put hands behind his back and stared walking away to his room, and Garmadon got pissed off at how Clouse seemed calm and amused by Garmadon's anger, so Garmadon started going after Clouse and said "Arghh , Come back you bastard.!".. Garmadon got close enough and with his right arm pulled Clouse by his left shoulder, but Clouse didn't engage into a fight, instead just said "Leave me alone. I have work to do." and left. Garmadon's anger kind of dropped and he didn't continue chasing him, but just said "Yes, run away you bitch.".
Garmadon went to his room and looked at some scrolls. Clouse was in his own room and studied some dark magic stuff, however after about 30 minutes he got hungry,but he knew very well that if he will leave his room, Garmadon will hear that and that might engage him to a fight, and he had to survive. It's been happening, especially this week as he didn't want to call Garmadon "Lord" and Garmadon would always come to him and tease him and get made in the end, and have physical fights but Chen would kind of be there to stop them, saying they shouldn't fight out of blue. 3 hours passed and few times meanwhile he heard Garmadon walk around the place. When he heard Garmadon was in his room once again, he decided to go and sneak to the kitchen to eat, as hunger was getting unbearable.

Clouse opened up the sliding doors as silently as he could, and walked to the kitchen. He also took his dear book with him, the Book of Spells with a bookmark on page 10, which had a spell that he learned halfway that would freeze the target in time for some time, depending n how strong and skilled the caster was. He'd use the spell in case Garmadon came to attack him.

He got to the kitchen and grabbed some bread, cheese, salami and the cream you put on the bread and ate that. Luckily for him, Garmadon didn't notice that, then he headed to the toilet, which was risky as he had to pass by Garmadon's room. He walked past Garmadon's room and got to the toilet, he peed,but didn't let the water down as it was loud enough and Garmadon would definitely hear that, but he did manage to wash his hands.

He opened the doors thinking only thing that was left was for him to sneak back to his room, so when he opened the doors, he almost got a heart attack seeing Garmadon with his back leaning to a side wall that was on the same side as his room. Garmadon had crossed arms and let out a small laugh and said "Oh, and you'd not let the water down?". Clouse was obviously shaken 'cause he wasn't expecting Garmadon and then said "I-I was only washing my hands." and Garmadon straightened up and was now facing Clouse and said "Lies.". Chills went down Clouse's spine, he knew Garmadon wanted to fight, so he said "Fine. I was testing a new spell." and opened a book to "show" his fellow Dark Arts learner, Garmadon, the spell and hope he buys it and leaves him alone, and if he doesn't , he'd get reminded on how to cast the spell and cast it. Clouse took a step towards Garmadon and turned so Garmadon could feel as if Clouse wanted to be friendly. Garmadon didn't yet know how to read the Dark arts runes, but he wasn't buying it. "In the toilet?" Garmadon asked. Clouse said "Yes. Got a problem with that?" and Garmadon said "Yes I do as you are lying." and Clouse quickly said "No I'm not." and Garmadon added "What sort of spell would you need to do in there?!!" and turned Clouse to him by pulling him by the robes at chest level. He was growing mad so Clouse said "This one." and successfully cast the spell at Garmadon. he waited for a second to see if the spell worked and how it worked and said "Huh, interesting." and then quickly walked away. After about 3 seconds Garmadon unfroze and almost fell down to the floor. He turned around and shouted "You fucking bitch, You fucking bastard, you fucking fuck come back.!"

He then started running after Clouse and Clouse saw hiding in his room wouldn't help so he left to the frontyard. Garmadon appeared all mad and Clouse said "This is why I didn't let the water. Because you'd hear me and attack me like every time. What is wrong with you???!". Garmadon started walking towards Clouse and Clouse started walking backwards step by step. Clouse wanted to do a spell, but had to be careful Garmadon doesn't knock him down while he's doing it, but to his unluck, he tripped over one of the wooden poles and he fell on his butt. Garmadon was amused and closed in and Clouse turned around on his left side and knee to to get up , but as he got up Garmadon charged at him and started running with him, Clouse tripping at every step till eh fell down. Garmadon kicked his book away with his leg and grabbed him Clouse and pulled him up and pinned him to the wall and punched him. Clouse started fighting back and kicked Garmadon 'away to throw him on the floor, but the kick wasn't strong enough so Garmadon stayed up and then did the roundhouse kick in Clouse's head so hard and fast that Clouse fell to the floor and lost consciousness. Garmadon was quite mad, as he wanted to fight Clouse awake, not have him unaware on the floor.

Garmadon then came closer to try wake him up and then shook him "Hey you bitch. Hey. Oh for fucks sake.-"After a few tries he grabbed him on top of him and carried him inside.

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