C H A P T E R 9 | DAY 10

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Chen and Garmadon woke up , and Chen told Garmadon "It'd be good if you woke up Clouse, he needs to regain his energy fast, and skipping breakfast would do no good.". Garmadon headed towards Clouse's room and then heard Chen say "And don't take too long... You always seem to spend unnecessary amount of time whenever I tell you to do something that has Clouse involved.". Garmadon rolled his eyes and said "Fine. Don't worry.". Chen then headed to the kitchen to prepare some things and Garmadon went to Clouse's room.

Garmadon entered Clouse's room and saw he was indeed sleeping till the moment he came in. Clouse was a bit shaken and immediately started kind of backing away and showing a disapproving gesture and discomfort. Clouse was ready to get up in case Garmadon would decide to close in. "Ah, I see I've left such an impact on you, this became a routine for you, you know what's gonna happen." Garmadon said as he started to walk towards Clouse. Clouse then got up fast and met face to face with Garmadon. It was a long time since they stood in front of each other like that. Garmadon was taller for a head too.  Clouse gave a disapproving look and tried to walk away, but Garmadon grabbed him and then pushed and pinned him to the bed. He pinned his hands and said "We don't have much time, so be a good boy.". Clouse was a bit confused so he asked "What do you mean. . . ?". Garmadon then replied with "Chen wants you in the kitchen for breakfast, and he told me to not waste any time, so let me do this quickly." . Clouse then said "Well then don't" and he tried to push him away. Garmadon was quite steady and replied "Don't tell me what to do, you bitch.". He then closed in to Clouse's left side and started his usual kisses and nibbles as he whispered "Once you heal up, I'll make sure to win all the duels against you and 'cause you so much pain that you'll regret not dying.". Chills went down Clouse's spine.. Garmadon was also saying  "You'll call me Lord and If you don't I'll make sure you regret that too." "Tell me, how does it feel to survive the death you tried to cause?". Clouse was tearing up, a tear fell down his left eye and Garmadon noticed that and licked it and then kissed his cheek. "Hussshhhhhh,, Don't you cry. We don't want Chen seeing this, right?"... Clouse was trying to keep in his moans, but it was hard. Thankfully, for him, the whole thing lasted maybe a minute before Garmadon stopped and gestured him up and then grabbed him by his throat and told him "We need to go, Don't you dare skip the breakfast or tell Chen about this.". Clouse cleaned his face from tears and followed Garmadon to the kitchen.

"Ooh there you are!" Chen said happily as he was putting the last of the food on the table. Chen then sat on the right corner chair, and Garmadon and Clouse sat next to each other, Clouse being closer to Chen. Clouse wanted to sit at the left corner chair, but he was on Garmadon's right side and it'd be obvious if he was avoiding them so he had no choice but to sit in between the two kind of.

 Clouse was uncomfortable sitting next to Garmadon. He hated that he could see Garmaodn on the left corner of his eye, and despite not wanting to look at him, he had urges to look at him which would be very obvious from that angle. Compared to that Garmadon didn't hide his gaze. Chen noticed that, but didn't say a thing about it as usual., he assumed that it's because Garmadn was usually a person to tease people and get mad easily, and absence of duels could make him mad. They started eating and Chen noticed Clouse didn't take a lot so he said "Clouse, are you fasting or something?" and giggled. Clouse responded "...I...don't have an appetite.". Chen was a bit surprised 'cause Clouse lost a lot of energy and didn't eat much, but it was true. Clouse despite being hungry and weak, had no appetite, felt nervous sitting next to Garmadon and felt like he could throw up form the anxious feels. Chen at some point said "Well, if you'll be hungry before the lunch, or anytime in between the times we all eat, you can go ahead and get something to eat.". Garmadon wasn't really fond of that so he said "He isn't training , He isn't studying, and now he won't be eating at the times he should. Where't the discipline in that?". Clouse stayed quiet and Chen got a bit annoyed so he replied "Lord Garmadon, there's no need to be so protective about our practices when you can clearly see Clouse isn't feeling well,... and after... after what he tried to do, I think it's fair to let him rest and get back on his feet.". Clouse still stayed quiet and Garmadon wanted to say something, but Chen added "And Clouse, you should tell me what bothers you, I don't believe that you'd just do what you did because of the Lordship, or because of a few child fights with Lord Garmadon.". Clouse squeezed his fists visibly and felt Garmadon staring at him as if he wanted to say something, Clouse looked at Garmadon with such a face that Garmadon thought Clouse would tell Chen about everything right now so Garmadon only said "Very well." and looked away. Clouse then slowly looked away too and Chen was starting to have fun digging for answers, so he asked "Has something happened between you two while I was gone?I could swear Clouse was just fine before I started leaving...?" to which he only got silence in return. He could only see that garmadon looked at Clouse to see if Clouse would give a response, and Clouse hesitatingly looked at Garmadon to see if Garmadon would say anything or try to stop him if he were to say anything. Chen then said "I'll take that as a yes!    Now tell me what happened." . Garmadon and Clouse were locked in each others eyes. Clouse gathered some courage to say "He's been mindfucking me every day.". Garmadon felt crushed hearing Closue speak up, but he then realized he didn't actually say what was happening. "W-what does that mean?" Chen asked. and Garmadon quickly replied "It means I've been letting him know when he forgets to call me Lord". "Oh, Is that all?"Chen asked. Clouse was visibly mad, but he didn't say anything, but Garmadon did "And I've let him know how weak he is, and how easy it is to break him, which he has successfully proven."


I can't believe we are having this conversation and I am not admitting what happened.....I'm letting Garmadon dictate my life... and I'm letting him talk shit about me........ how...easy it is to break me?.....H---he raped me multiple times.... HE RAPED ME...:And...H..He ...He's mindfucking me...I hate him, but...I...I'd miss ...n..NO. NO NO NO..Aghh. I want to punch him . I want to kill him right now and show him how I ain't weak....


But I am weak..... H...he's right.... I tried to kill myself......even now...I wish...I died....yet.....No...No..He raped me... I am not weak.. he's just a monster.... I...didn't break because of his words.. I broke because of is rape. Rape. Rape.Rape...That's it. Rape.RApe.....and no... n--no...fuck...I can feel tears forming in my eyes and I am looking at him.. he's strong and ..and.....and he stands his ground and I'm falling apart in front of him, and in front of Chen.... I..I can't cry....I can't,... but I can't look away either... Nor...Run....F--fuck....no...no...no...the...tears....they...fuck.fuck fuck fuck NO.... I just...

"Clouse..? Clouse?" AH,,....Oh..it's Chen...fuck, he sees my tears....and so does Garmadon, but he didn't change his expression...I..I'm done with food anyways...I..I have to go..

I got up and walked away, hearing Chen call out my name. I'm in my room now...okay...Fuck.... FUCK "AGHHHH"...I threw some book from a side table, I can't fucking believe it. I teared up. in front of them. This.....Proved how weak I really am...I....fell down to my knees and was on the verge of sobbing.... Then suddenly I heard the doors open behind me so I turned around and halfway ..... I must have looked so..dumb..pathetic.... in front of Chen...... he was the one whop opened the doors... he looked at me  with pity, but he also found this amusing..ofcourse he fucking did....

"Oh Clouse, did Lord Garmadon make you upset?" Chen asked me, I could hear he was teasing me...or no..did ..he care..?...I I don't know anything..I don't know... "I don't know I don't know. J-just leave me alone!" I responded nervously as I got up and looked away. But no no no Chen had to step into my room and say "Why are you so secretive Clouse?" "Are you hiding something or are you really that weak..... you aren't, right?"...I...I don't know if he was caring or teasing..I really don't know and I can't deal with this... "Go away". I said as I turned my head... but he didn't so I turned around and pushed him and he lost balance and fell on the floor.  I looked at what I just did, and Chen didn't seem so mad, but more confused....I was breathing heavily....I heard footsteps and soon Garmadon appeared looking at Chen who was still sitting on his butt. He then looked at me and said "You'd dare?" as he started closing in and I started backing away, but ...Chen grabbed his robes and said "No no no. Garmadon. It's fine." He didn't let go of him till Garmadon stepped back, Chen got up and said "Let's leave him in peace." as he tapped Garmadon's back at gestured him to leave before turning around to me and saying "If you're ready to talk, you know where I'll be."...O..okay........Alright....does...he actually care..? .....Chen I know would have been extremely mad and would have punished me even at this state,,,,but now...he....just let it go?...and he...saved me from Garmadon...........Ugh....Fucking Garmadon.. he looked so pissed....and happy...he was waiting to beat me up and he'd have a perfect excuse....but...Chen didn't let him..


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⏰ Last updated: May 08, 2022 ⏰

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