C H A P T E R 5 | DAY 8

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It was the 7th day of Duels, and 8th day in a row that Clouse would get raped. However, this day would play out differently.

Garmadon easily won the physical duel and this time he was more aggressive because Clouse said he didn't want to fight that day and wasn't feeling well and Chen wanted to let them rest, but Garmadon got mad so Chen didn't stop Garmadon and declared him the winner. Then the Dark Magic duel went very bad for Clouse, unlike yesterday, he didn't have luck winning as he felt weak, scared and bruised from the physical duel and Garmadon felt like causing him pain this is how the duel went:

Clouse was trying to show no pain after the physical duel, but it was hard, Constantly he was whimpering and breathing heavily from the pain in his butt, he probably had an infection too. Chen then said "Well I suppose it is time for the Dark magic duel, I wonder who's gonna win !". Clouse was annoyed, it felt like Clouse found his suffering fun and as if he was siding with Garmadon the whole time. Clouse said once again "I don't want to fight today." and Chen said "But Garmadon does, it seems like he's gotten better!" to which Clouse replied "I'd not say so, I'm too weak to fight." and Garmadon got mad and said "Or Maybe' it's both.". Clouse rolled his eyes and looked away which made Garmadon even more mad so he pushed Clouse who then fell to the ground. Clouse hissed in pain and let out a samll scream "AAgghhhhh.hsssss.......-" and shut his eyes in pain. He was sure he was bleeding again. Chen then giggled and said "Leave your anger for the duel, boys!".  Garmadon wanted to kick Clouse so bad, but he didn't and instead walked away to his side. Clouse didn't want to get up and Chen said "Come one now, Clouse. You don't want to disappoint me by quitting, don't you?"


I wanted to cry, I couldn't take this anymore. Maybe Chen knows what Garmadon has been doing to me and he finds that funny... or if I told him he'd just laugh.... he'd believe me,but he would find it funny.....It's funny when I suffer. Isn't it Chen? ... Garmadon? ...I..I can't..... I teared up and Chen was quite annoyed and amused, asking "So you would?".....disappoint him....It seems like I would.....Just.. I can't  fight,....and I can't do this anymore. Tears started streaming down my face and Chen just walked away. I said "P-please. I... I can't fight..." and Chen only said "Fight.". It broke my heart. "N--no..no no no no!" I cried out and Garmadon gladly cast a spell at me, I covered my head to brace for impact. The spell he cast was a direct offense spell which would burn like cold fire wherever it'd hit. I't couldn't destroy clothes and any non-skin materials and it'd leave no marks whatsoever. I got hit in  the side on the left side of my head and I screamed "OUghhh!". There was a little bit of a warrior left in me, I'd want to fight back, but I couldn't. it was too hard, too painful,...I am too weak for this.  "S-stop!" I yelled and quickly looked at Chen who was standing behind me. He then said "A real enemy would have no mercy, so take Lord Garmadon as a real enemy." and then said "Or maybe he is real enemy?" and giggled afterwards.  I felt somebody behind me, ofcourse it was Garmadon.  He grabbed me by my shoulder and smashed my head into the ground and then stepped on my chest with his left leg to pin me down and quickly he cast the same spell he did before into my face... I yelped. Chen then said "Lord Garmadon, if I may propose that you use some other spells too?". Garmadon then grabbed me and lifted me up and quickly had me flying into on one of the wooden training machines. I held my head in pain and he was now quite far from me. The I heard him say "Whatw as that spell you cast  when I won the Lordship? Ah yes, let me try." and then the wooden training machine I was at became alive and started spinning. I couldn't run away so I ended up on the floor covering my face in pain. I was screaming and telling them to stop and then Chen finally said "Alright, that's enough.". Garmadon didn't stop the spell so Chen giggled "Lord Garmadon, leave your anger for tomorrow's duel, wont you?" and a fter a few seconds Garmadon stopped the spell. Chen came closer and looked at me laying on the ground sobbing. "Pathetic." He said before walking away and telling us to come eat the lunch.

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