C H A P T E R 3 | DAY 2

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I woke up a few hours later, must have been around midnight or such. Clouse was sleeping next to me and I wasn't sure if Chen was back or not. I got off the bed and opened the doors, slowly making my way to Chen's room and asked "Chen?", but I got no response so I opened the doors and saw Chen wasn't inside. I closed the doors and walked through the place to see if he was somewhere else, but nope. I returned to Clouse who was still sleeping. I shook him awake and I must admit, it was cute how he looked at me so angrily and confused and shaken 'cause I woke him up. I smirked and then said "Get dressed." and after a few seconds of silence he sat up ,grabbed his clothes and got dressed very tiredly, then he wasn't sure if I wanted him to leave or not as he was just standing there looking at me, but not daring to look me into my eyes so I said "I don't know when Chen will return, so you better go toy our room."I got no reply, but he turned around and walked to the doors and as he was opening them I said "Clouse." in a serious and threatening voice so he stopped and it looked like his heart stopped, he looked me with a corner of his eye and silently asked "Y-yes...?" and then I said "Don't you dare tell Chen about this." and by saying that I could see extreme fear possess him, there was no way he'd tell Chen anything.



Clouse got to his room and laid down, he could no longer sleep however, as he was stressed out. Garmadon in his own room fell asleep with no problems, though he did miss helpless Clouse next to him.
About an hour or two passed by of Clouse just silently laying and trying not to break down crying till he decided to go and take a sleeping pill. He would very rarely use them, like maybe twice in a year, but he couldn't bare this so he unpacked one and silently headed to the kitchen to get water. He was afraid Garmadon would hear him, so he was looking behind constantly out of paranoia. Finally he grabbed a glass and put some cold water in it and drank the pill, suddenly there was movement behind him so he jumped and almost dropped the glass and gasped. Who he saw wasn't Garmadon nor any intruder, but Chen. Che nlooked at him and got a bit annoyed, asking half-whispering "What was that all about?!". Clouse took a few moments to catch his breath after almost getting a heart attack and before he could say anything Chen turned around and said "Whatever..." and left to the toilet.

Clouse then left to his room and sat down waiting for the pill to kick in, it took about 30 mins for it to start working and it did quite a good job. As he would rarely take one, whenever he did, it would hit him fast and good. He then laid down and fell asleep.




I suddenly woke up, it was Chen saying "Wake up! It's breakfast time!". I must admit, the sleeping pill worked like a charm, but it made me feel so tired, or it's 'cause I fell asleep late..

Chen left and I got up hissing in pain, there was a lot of pain in my butt,and I felt like I just reopened scars 'cause it was burning and it felt like it was a bit wet... I quickly rushed to the toilet, and I saw there was blood, in the end I put some toilet paper between my buttcheeks to prevent some...things. I then headed to the kitchen, though I didn't want to see Garmadon....how could he do this to me?....No...no...I should get over it.... It won't happen again.....right? No no no fuck Why am I thinking about this........it's starting to haunt me...I uh....Okay Here's the table with food and I see Garmadon is sitting on the left side of the table, Chen is on the Right side..which leaves me with One of the two middle sides that has 2 chairs on each side as it is the longer side of the table....Oh well, I'll sit on the chair closer to Chen... I sat down and Chen greeted me and told me to eat up, as we'd from now on have duels every day to makes us stronger. I got some bread and some salami and started eating, trying to avoid contact with Garmadon who was staring at me form time to time. It was actually so obvious that Chen after saying "As I was saying, from today you will be having duels in the morning. One duel will consist of physical fight and fight that does not include dark magic, and then there will be a short break and after that you'll have a dark magic fight!" said giggling" And...was everything alright while I was gone? Lord Garmadon seems to be staring at you like you've done something bad to him...don't tell me you did?". I was annoyed and silently said "Nothing happened.", and Garmadon added "He's just being a jerk. That's all.". Chen seemed to accept the answers and after we were don eating we went outside to stretch before having a duel. Chen left inside to do something real quick when Garmadon came to me and silently said teasingly "Let's make a deal, if you loose both duels I'll fuck you-" and I quickly stopped him and said "W-what?! NO.", he then grabbed my hand that I raised in reflex when giving my shocked reply and added "Wait up. If you win both duels, I'll treat you like yesterday and I won't fuck you". I tried to pull away and he let go of me as I said "Y-you didn't treat me, you........Can't you move on, I don't wanna remember that." to which he added "Oh you loved it, I've learned your sweet spots" and then leaned in towards me but I stepped back and gave him a disapproving look and then he finished it by saying "And If you win one duel, and I win one duel, I'll fuck you, and I'll treat you!". I said "No. I don't want that" and turned around, but I got Grabbed by my left shoulder and heard him say "You've got no choice." in a serious and maddening tone. Chills went down my spine and I shivered which seemed to amuse him, as he closed in and whispered "Don't forget who's the Lord here.". He then backed away and shortly after Chen came back.




Clouse, Garmadon and Chen went back to the kitchen and sat at the table, this time Clouse managed to grab the Left seat, and Chen took the Right seat, however Garmadon took one of the middle seats that was closer to Clouse. Clouse was annoyed. He wasn't thinking much about what Garmadon told him earlier as how could Garmadon possibly do it with Chen present.
Chen also mentioned how he doesn't understand what's happening to Clouse as he's walking like he's got shit in his pants. Garmadon found that funny, but Clouse didn't, and didn't want to admit it. If it weren't for that He'd probably have a bit less than equal chance of winning the Physical duel, at least he wont the dark magic duel.

However to Clouse's unluck, Chen while they were eating said how for some unknown period, maybe a few days, or maybe a few weeks, he'll be going to do some stuff, so he'll be leaving around 15:00(3pm) starting today. Clouse's heart sank hearing that and Garmadon had plans.

When they were done eating lunch, they headed to their rooms and Chen went to pack the few things he needed. Usually around that time, about an hour after lunch, they'd study dark magic and train. so Clouse was in his room laying on his bed and reading some book about dark magic.  Chen then left.


Garmadon went to Clouse's room. Clouse looked at Garmadon quite worried of what's gonna happen. He wanted to get up but he froze in fear. Garmadon walked towards him and Clouse tried to get up but Garmadon lightly jumped on top of him and pinned him to the bed, putting the book aside. He then said "We've had a deal." and smirked. Clouse replied annoyed and scared "You..--You've got to be joking. ..." and Garmadon said "I'm not.".

Clouse then started shaking a little bit and felt himself starting to panic. He was afraid of how bad it would hurt, as his butthole was covered with scars. He removed the toilet paper 'cause he didn't need it as the bleeding stopped during lunch... Clouse started undoing Clouse's robes and Clouse went straight to begging "N-no please... it hurts so much..... I can barely walk.--P--please it will hurt so much.----d--d--don'--t--do this----p--please". He teared up and tried to kick Garmaodn away, but it only made Garmadon angrier. Garmadon positioned himself and entered in, but not in the position that would hit the good spot during penetration. Clouse hissed and started screaming in pain, he was instantly bleeding. Garmadon found it amusing and started pumping at some medium-fast speed. (Lets say the 1st time he was doing it, it was at speed 4/5, second rough one was 5/5, and the slow one was 1,5/5, this now is 3,5/5). Clouse was begging him to stop and then Garmadon started kissing Clouse's sweet spots and jerked him off. Garmadon came first and quickly took out his cock, and after about 20 seconds Clouse came too. The pain of penetration was 100 times worse than the pain of the fastest and roughest sex of the day before. 

Garmadon then got up, cleaned them both and before leaving the room said "This deal is for every day, just so you know." and then he left. Clouse was left in pain, so after he managed to get strength to get up, he did, and took some pain relief tea which helped a little. While he was in the kitchen making it Garmadon teased him about it.

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