C H A P T E R 8 | DAY 9

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I understand why Chen is giving Clouse resting time, but I ain't done with that bastard. I'll never be done with him, weaklings should be used. He proved how weak he is , how fucking useless he is. I fucking hate him. That bitch always has this calm judging face and dares to talk back with the same face, but when I wanna show him who's the boss he starts running away like a little mouse, annoying...

I see that when there is no threat he forgets his place, he looks at me with a disapproval, judgement, anger, disgust and would dare to talk and fight back. But when I break him he start begging like a little pussy he is. 

 I'm looking at him right now, as he is eating slowly and quietly, hoping he isn't the center of the attention, but for me he is, and I am the center off Chen's attention. Chen knows I've been up to something, but he doesn't know what and I'll make sure he doesn't. I'll kill Clouse if I'll need to, but I doubt so.  Afterall, I've hung out with Misako a few times and I think I love her and if I can get her to love me, before ...Wu does... I'd have no use of Clouse... I'd not miss him, so I could easily kill him. But I won't be able to meet with Misako for a few weeks now and there's this.......F...fucking chance that Wu will be the one to get her while I'm stuck here............. I...I'll not get rid of Clouse just yet... not If I could loose Misako... Fuck.



The three were done eating and each left to their room. Garmadon would study the Dark Arts, but would also have Anger outbursts so Chen would come and check on him only to find out Garmadon was mad because he couldn't duel Clouse. Another reason Garmadon was mad,but Chen didn't know, was because Chen wasn't leaving like he was for the past few days.

Chen,while not checking out what was going on with Garmadon, was planning some things, thinking about opening up a restaurant and doing some illegal stuff.

Clouse was in his room, trying to cope with the stressful boredom where the only things he could focus on were the pain in his ass, side effects of the sleeping pills' overdose and fear of what could happen any moment thanks to Garmadon. He did try studying, but it was impossible so he was mostly laying on his bed, a few times he did fall asleep for a short period of time, but it was hard due to stress. He started to miss the feeling of Sleeping pills dragging him down, but he had none left, and he'd have a hard time getting them now as Chen was illegally getting them and many other healthcare stuff and he'd not give them to him for a very long time after the suicide attempt. 

The day was passing by slow at some points and fast at the others. Mainly slow for Clouse. Evening came and they had dinner where Chen told them about his plan of opening up a Restaurant and that was quite all for the Evening. They went back to their rooms and Chen came to check on Clouse, to see him all in a bad mood as he couldn't sleep really. Chen was quite mad at that and left. Garmadon noticed a tiny argument and asked what happened and Chen explained "Ofcourse now his sleep schedule is fucked up, he can't sleep. That ain't the only reason he can't sleep, but yes, He can't sleep. and I am not gonna give him any more sleeping pills, not even one." ... Chen went to his room to sleep himself, and Garmadon went back to his room.


After about an hour and a half Garmadon decided to check if Clouse has fallen asleep, so he went to his room and as he opened the doors, Clouse flinched, but not as if he was awoken. Garmadon still decided to ask "So, did I wake you up?". Clouse replied "No.". "Well that's good then, wouldn't want to be blamed by Chen for waking you up Hah." Garmadon said as he started closing in. Cloue tried to back away on his bed, afraid of what was gonna happen , and then said "W-What do you want...". Garmadon then replied "For you to sleep, we could say so,...So don't worry, I ain't gonna beat you up, nor fuck you... I'll treat you nicely, as it always makes you calm down and fall asleep.". Clouse was sure he knew what was going to happen and he knew it was not a good idea to anger Garmadon, but he still decided to fight back "No. I don't want that." ... Garmadon grabbed Clouse's hands and Clouse added "I'll tell Chen--Y--Yes... I'll tell him unless you leave me alone.". Garmadon chuckled and pinned his hands down and climbed on top of Clouse who watched in disbelief. "Oh really. Go on, Shout for Chen." Garmadon said, Clouse didn't respond. Garmadon then said "That's what I thought." and closed in to Clouse's right cheek and gave him a kiss despite Clouse resisting and trying to back away an restrict Garmadon by squeezing his shoulder to his head. It was pointless as soon he'd give in to Garmadon's tingly and ticklish and overall enjoyable kisses,licks,nibbles,...

"A-aaaah---M--maaah" Clouse moaned, trying to stay quiet so Chen doesn't hear him. He did want to tell Chen about this, but he'd not want to be seen in this position. "S---stopppaaahhhh..mmmMMMMmmhh~" he kept moaning. His Moans intensed when Garmadon switched to the left side. After Moans calmed down, he switched back to the right side and finished off when Clouse started to calm down and fall asleep. He knew he did a good job when he let go of Clouse's hands and Cloouse would wrap his hands in return instead of fighting back.

Clouse was cussing himself in his mind for giving in again, but he fell asleep with Garmadon still there. Once Garmadon saw Clouse was asleep, he quietly left the room and went to sleep himself.

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