C H A P T E R 7 | DAY 9

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I don't know... what to do.... I...





....."A--aah HUUuaAAH???!!" W---G----Garmadon-----W---He's---He's ---D-doing it again-----I---is he?---I am trying to push him off but I think...he grabbed my hands---W--What--"ah"----He---- I---I can see daylight--- He--he's---I----I'ts the next day I think?? "Ahhh--S-Stop"... He is ...kissing my right side again...He's doing it so  "Aaahh--m--mah s---stop"--D---doing it---....s...soo....aggressively.............as...if.he...needs to win.....this....I..."aaahhhhh" "Mmmmhhh".."S---stop" ....I..I have no energy to ...........s----stop him....to s...shout...."I.ll...tell ....mmhh....I'll tell Chen...........!"...H...he stopped..? ! G--good...no ...oh he.... I ..I can't look at him...but he is looking at me..... I can't..resist looking at him.. I...

He..He' s angry, he's mad... H..he's going to kill me.... He's going to K...kill me...n...no......or......s...sure?..Why am I scared of death when I treid to kill myself....I......I guess.... because...yes----yes it's because he'll do m it painfully... ...D...don't kill me pain..f"aah-" "D...don't kill..." AH Fuck what am I saying.... I can't look at him ..... I looked away okay good, but he's.......got a grin on his face.... I--I ....

"Kill you?" Garmadon finally said something.... I looked at him and he added "Yet you tried killing yourself." . . . "Tell me" he closed in , our foreheads and noses touching "Did I leave such an impact on your life?" he said tesingly....he...was right........I looked away and tried to turn my head around but I....didn't dare....It just moved a bit. "I'm quite surprised I broke you, in a matter of a week hah." "Who would have through that our Dear Clouse who was always seen as a very calm and determined man, was also a scared little pussy. I knew you were, but not this much, for you to beg me, your biggest rival, for you to give up on your life........."... I...didn't know what to say...he..was right .... . "It's...sad-" he said, but quickly added "But it amuses me." ....... ..Chills went down my spine... I..for a second thought he....he felt sorry and he'd let go of me, but no.. The way he said...how all of this amused me...was full of thirst...as if a new opportunity for a better life opened up for him,,, because of my suffering?...I..... I ....I don't know what he's gonna do... I...I'm scared...not that I wasn't but now.... I...I don't know what to expect.... He then let out a short laugh "Haha",, and I looked at him questioning and he said "Breathe..".... i then realized... I ...stopped breathing after he said I was amusing him...... I felt like blacking out for a second but I started breathing again and I was back at quite a stable state in terms of consciousness. 

"Garmadon? . . . Lord Garmadon?" I heard Chen from the hallway.  Garmadon quickly flinched off of me, but then grabbed me by my throat and said "Not a word, or you'll regret the day you've stepped on this land.". He then let go off me and said "Get up.".... I...didn't listen, but I was prepared to try and get up. Garmadon opened the doors and said "I'm here." , Chen closed in and said "Ah there you are! I was assuming you were here as I told you to go check on Clouse-", eh then looked over Garmadon's shoulder and saw me, "Aaaand I see you are awake! You look.... better than yesterday!". I stayed quiet. "What took you so long?" Chen asked Garmadon and then before he could answer he just added "Don't tell me you teased him...?". I don't know what happened, I think Garmadon smirked or gave some sort of approval, 'cause Chen said "Oh , well ,..."  "Clouse,  Won't you join us for lunch?".... I..it was lunch time? ...I must have slept for so long... I..should get up..I am hungry..and thirsty....



Chen went to the kitchen and sat on one of the chairs that are on the shorter side of the table, Garmadon followed and set on one of the chairs that were on the longer side closer to Chen , and Clouse followed, his butt was still in pain, and he felt weak and thirsty. Hist stomach hurt form dehydration. He made it to the desk and sat opposite of Chen, so he was further away from Garmadon. Garmadon found that quite funny, and Chen realized Clouse was avoiding Garmadon. He wasn't bothered to ask what happened and to dig for answers so he let it go and just said "So..Clouseyyyyyyy- Is one week enough for you to heal up? For now you don't have to train, study, nor participate in duels.". Garmadon hissed in disapproval. Chen looked at him "Oh, Garmadon, don't you think he deserves some rest after all..this? Poor Clouse.". Clouse kind of found it annoying as Chen didn't sound like he cared, but was mocking him, though he wondered, if he told him about what was happening, would Chen do something about it..?. Gamradon said "Ugh, He deserves nothing, a fucking failure.". Chen replied "Now now, let's not determine that, yet.". Clouse stayed quiet, trying not to tear up, they both saw him as a failure. He was unsure if he should Tell Chen about this or not....

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