Season 1 Episode 2

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Story so far

Drago has gone to Saffron high meeting a lot of girls and one of the teachers Viola then he had a sleepover where he where did all the girls and told them a vagina joke then they had a super smash brothers ultimate tournament with Drago wining the entire thing then Drago had a feeling that he will fall for all the girls what does this mean?

The episode begins Now!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

We join Drago when the girls wake up for a day at school

Drago:Ugh, another day at school man I hate school so boring.

Iris: Well I heard today that we're gonna be doing battle class.

Drago: Really, why no one fucking tell me?

Dawn: Language!


As Drago and the girls walked into the school someone suddenly grabbed iris

Iris: Help me!!!!!

Drago: Iris! Let her go whoever you are!

???: Huh, who are you?

Drago: Name's Drago, Future Pokémon league champion who the fuck are you?

Paul: My name is Paul, the most powerful trainer in the world.

Drago: Most powerful my ass, more like biggest asshole in the world.

Paul: After school we're gonna have a 1on 1 battle, you and me!

Drago: Oh it's on! And after I win you can suck my 50 YEAR OLD RICHARD NIXON WIENER!!!!!!!

Paul: I'm looking forward to our battle and me not doing that see you lot around and  Drago you're probably a fake trainer.

Drago: Grrrrrrrrr! Why, you self-centered ignorant son of a fucking bitch!!!!!!!! I'm gonna fucking kill you!!!!!!

Lisia: Drago, calm down! You'll pay him out after school.


Drago tried to run after Paul, it took all of the girls holding him down to try to stop him, unfortunately Drago was too strong he thrusted the girls off of him with a mighty push. Unfortunately two of the girls had sustained massive damage .Janine had hit the wall very very hard and had broken her leg  and right arm, and Jasmine had also hit the wall super hard and now had broken both of her arms. When Drago heard the girls yells of pain he quickly stop raging and went to tend  to the girls's injuries.

Drago: on god, oh god! Wha-what h-have I-I done?

Dawn: Drago, calm down.

Suddenly Drago ran off

Iris: Drago, come back!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Drago ran out of high school and took off into  the forest

A/N:  this is foreshadowing for the season three finale.

Drago: Oh God what have I done! Paul is going to pay for this! H-he went too far Argggggggh! * keio-ken activates* Whoa, what is this aura? I think my friend Goku told  me about this, It's called Keioken or World King Fist or Fist of the King of the Worlds is a technique invented by King Kai. It is a technique that multiplies the user's ki or heartbeat thus increasing their power and speed and enabling them to inflict serious damage to opponents who are considerably stronger than them. However, the downside of the Kaio-ken is that it takes a heavy toll on the user's body, making them more vulnerable to enemy attacks.While in the state, the user's aura color becomes crimson. The technique requires the use of ki control to handle it properly, plus When activating the Kaio-ken, the user gains a red and fiery aura, and in turn, their whole body and clothes acquire a reddish tint. The power of the aura also bristles the user's hair and clothes if they have any.nlike other transformations (like the Super Saiyan or Golden Frieza), the Kaio-ken must remain with its aura active all the time. There is no change to the user's physique, but the enormous stress of the technique can result in increased blood pressure, popping out veins and swelling the user's muscle mass. The technique can also generate large amounts of heat from the user's body whilst being activated, creating steam rising from their body.s a result of the Kaio-ken, the user's base , strength, speed, and even sensory awareness greatly increase for an instant. With training, the length of activation can be increasedhis change is quantified as doubling the user's power level for the base Kaio-ken technique. This short burst of power beyond the body's normal maximum output comes at the cost of increasing the flow of Ki within the user's body, taxing it and requiring great skill and concentration to keep under control.The uprise of ki flowing inside could easily obliterate them, and even when kept under proper control still causes intense muscle spasms, pain and weakness after prolonged use, alsoWhilst already a useful technique in its base form, the technique's true potential is in its ability for the power multiplier to be stacked, from doubling of the base Kaio-ken to a tripling, quadrupling and even further. The limits of the multiplier appear to be linked to the user's body toughness in addition to experience. 

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