Season 3 Episode 5

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Story so far

Drago and Goku believed they had finished Frieza off with a full power Kamehameha fortunately for them Frieza survived the attack.

The episode begins Now!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

We begin where we left off last time:

Frieza: ha ha ha ha ha ha did you really think that would destroy me?

Drago: no way he survived?!

Goku: how but I saw you you were destroyed by the full power!

Frieza: it doesn't matter how I survived all that matters now is this

As Frieza held up something in both of his hands Drago and Goku where shocked what Frieza what's holding with the girls.

Drago: Let Them Go Frieza. this is between you me and Goku. They have nothing to do with this!

Frieza: ha 

Then Frieza thew the girls away from the fight and they landed unconscious.

A/N: play from 25:42 to30:47. Also keep in mind that these are my characters not the characters in the videos so just imagine that the characters are my characters.

Goku and Drago was shocked this emperor had just thrown four girls away didn't care they felt their anger rise up as their anger Rose so did there power.

Frieza: huh?

Goku and Drago where shaking with anger

Drago: H How...... Dare

Goku: Y- You're......  you're going to pay for that..........


Frieza: W-What....?

As the smoke cleared Goku and Drago we're standing there with golden aura and golden hair did finally snapped and transformed into the warrior of legend a Super Saiyan.

Frieza:(Wh-What is going on?! what's happened to him...?! N-No I can't be?!)

Drago+ Goku: I've had enough now I'm mad Frieza!

Frieza: you wanna know your place, you filthy Saiyans!

And they begin their epic fight but with the transformation Drago and Goku had less trouble dealing with Frieza and Frieza was having a lot of trouble dealing with them decide to risk it all by going 100% power.

Frieza: this is my full power!

Drago: take him down Goku

Goku: all Right

Drago+Goku: double

Frieza: WHAT??????


Frieza: why won't you just die?

Goku and Drago just smirked

Frieza: I'm going to obliterate you into million pieces!

Frieza through two disc slicers at them but they dodged and they were going to the Frieza

Drago: get down Frieza, get down

Frieza: WHAT?!

One of the discs cut Frieza completely in half

Drago: you can stay here and suffer the same fate as before

Frieza: please...............Have ........... Mercy...........i..............I bug of

Goku: how many of the people you killed begged for mercy before you killed them how many?

Frieza: I...................

Drago: I've given you just a bit of my energy that's all you get you on your own!

As Drago and Goku began to fly away Frieza began to laugh.

Frieza: ha ha ha ha ha ha ha, I'm the greatest being in the universe................ And that is why........... Y-You must..................... You must die by my hand!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Frieza shot a giant wave energy toward our heroes.

Drago+Goku: you Fool!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

The wave of energy from Drago and Goku completely obliterated Frieza and he was gone for good

Drago: let's go back to my mansion with the girls

Goku: yeah let's go

Back at the mansion the girls were freed from their bindings and ungaged

Janine: I can't believe this still happened but I'm glad you're OK

Jasmine: I thought he was gonna kill you!

Lisia: be more careful next time OK?

Skyla:I'm glad you're OK

Drago: girls girls I'm fine I'm OK I'm OK.

all girls: who's that guy

Drago: sorry I didn't from the address you guys this is Goku hero of the Multiverse

Goku: I wish I could stay and chat but Chi-Chi going to give me a tongue lashing if I don't get home thanks guys and Drago is great if I buy your side again see ya!* uses instant transmission*

End of episode

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