Season 3 Episode 2

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Story so far

Drago and his girlfriends are hanging out at his mansion for the weekend meanwhile two members of Lord Frieza's aid were spying  and went to tell their master and Frieza devised the perfect plan to get rid of Drago once and for all.

The episode begins NOW!!!!!!!!!!!

We  join Drago at his mansion,

Drago: all right girls, I'm going to pick up my eeveeluoion's from the Safari Zone as they are ready to battle again.

Iris: did they go there to train?

Drago: yes, because there all have distant advantages in battle. Plus I have an adaptive eevee named unpredictable because he can change his typing and form based on the environment he's in.

Dawn: No way, that's so cool!!!!!!!!!!

Drago: Thank you, Dawn. Now if you excuse me I have to pick them up see you in about two hours bye girls!

As Drago left his mansion he couldn't help but weird feeling that something was gonna happen

Drago: I can't help this feeling. Somethings going to happen I guarantee it man.

After Drago left Frieza enacted his plan he had his soldiers break into the mansion and tie the girls up by their hair and gag them the pairs are as follows:

Candice and Flannery

Elesa and Shauntal

Hilda and Rosa

Iris and Korinna

Lisia and Janine

Jasmine and Skyla

Misty and May

Roxanne and Sabrina

Serena and Shauna

Valerie and Viola and liza

Winona and Dawn

Frieza: Frieza Force!  Are they all Tied and gagged?

Frieza Force soldierr#1: Yes they are, my Lord.

Frieza: Good, very good. Now we must do two things number one we must leave a scrap of every girls clothing and number Two we need to leave something that will alert Drago to the fact that we have kidnapped the girls any ideas?

Frieza Force soldier #2: Excuse me, Lord Frieza?

Frieza: Yes?

Frieza Force soldier #2: My gun stopped working.

Frieza: Wonderful, that is what we will leave for Drago to alert him our presence.

Frieza Force Soldier #2: Why? 

Frieza: Because it's a piece of junk since it doesn't work. Besides, I have plenty of spares in the inventory. You can just use another one. Clear? 

Frieza Force Soldier #2: Crystal. 

Frieza: Good, then lets get moving before he comes home. 

When Drago got home he noticed that the door wasn't locked

Drago: Usually the door is never unlocked. Huh, I must've left it unlocked since the girls are still here. Girls, where are you?

Drago walked in to the living room and was shocked the room was trashed and scraps of the girls clothing was thrown everywhere.

Drago: Welp, gotta go onto investigation mode.

Drago went around the mansion with a plastic bag to put the evidence in and what he found is as follows:

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