Season 3 Episode 3

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Story so far

Drago and his Pokémon have just defeated all of freiza's foot soldiers and the ginyu force and Drago is going to make freiza pay for kidnapping the girls.

The episode begins Now!!!!!!!!

We join Drago in the ship about to enter the bridge.

Drago: all right time to defeat the self-proclaimed emperor.

As Drago enters the bridge he is met by frieza.

Frieza: welcome Drago, I hope my men made you feel welcome ha ha ha

Drago: sorry to break it to your Frieza, but most of your captives have already been freed now where are the others?

Frieza: ha ha ha such  anger they right here beside me

Frieza move aside and show Drago the girls Janine and Jasmine were completely naked and gagged with Janine's purple hair being tied to jasmines chocolate brown hair and on the right side Lisia's teal hair was tied to Skyler's red hair and they were both gagged.\

Drago: you dirty scumbag.

Frieza: you think I wouldn't tie them up you really are a stupid monkey

Drago: that's it Frieza you've really made me mad now I'm gonna give you a choice you're really stickers now and I'll let you go but make the foolish choice and keep them and I have to bash your head in.

Frieza: ha ha ha do you really think I'd let them go you're more delusional than ever!

Drago: I won't ask again release. them .now.

Frieza: no in fact I'm going to teach you a lesson *Charges up* HAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!!

Drago:* Thinking*(his power is incredible he must be a prodigy of power)

Frieza: behold my infinite power!

Frieza instantly flies a Drago intend to kill him but Drago teleport away.

Frieza: what the

Drago: surprised huh, I didn't expect that but your time it's up kaioken Times 20!!!!!!!!

Drago Powers up with him gaining a red and fiery aura

Frieza: what-what is this?

Drago: the power that I'm going to use to defeat you!

Frieza: please I'd like to see you try!

Frieza and drago started to fight in the fight lasted for several hours in the end though Frieza what is too strong for Drago and knocked him down.

Drago: GAAAAAAAAA *gets up* Huff hah huff

Frieza: the technique that you used has taken a toll on your body ha ha ha come back when you can put a real threat ha ha ha ha ha in the meantime I will keep these girls now get out of my ship. 

Drago: fine but when I come back you'll be sorry Frieza.

Back at drago's mansion

Drago: dammit all to hell how can I lose? hmmmmm maybe kaioken Times 20 may have not been the best choice of action what to do what to do I've got it I'll just call Goku I haven't help me hopefully his wife will let me have him help me for a couple hours.

With that Drago takes out his phone and downs Goku's number

At Goku;s house there is a beautiful, light-skinned woman of slender yet curvaceous frame and average height. She has long, straight black hair reaching mid-back with short square bangs, and large black eyes. She was wearing a blue cheongsam (Chinese dress) with red pants, armband, and shoes, white socks and a red sash. In this appearance, she also wore her hair in a ponytail. this is Chi-Chi goku's wife and mother to Gohan and gotten.

Chi-Chi: who is calling?

Chi- chi: hello this is Chi-Chi how many help you?

Drago: hey Chi-Chi can I talk with Goku?

Chi-Chi: yes just give me a minute *Yells* GOKU!!!!!!!!!!

Goku*off screen* coming a man wearing a kung fu uniform with the kanj symbol on the left front and back of his uniform His name is Goku and husband  to Chi-Chi

Chi-Chi: there's someone on the phone I want to speak to you.

Goku: Aw man I was training!!!!

Goku: hello do you want to speak to me?

Drago:Goku, I need your help Frieza is here and he's kidnapped my girlfriends

Goku: what! Frieza back? no way ok I'm coming see you in a few

Drago: ok, lt's do this!

Goku: ok see you Bye

Drago: Bye *haugs up*

Chi-Chi: no no no  a thousand times no!!!!

Goku: aw Man come on Chi-Chi remember when he helped us out we kind of know him a favor!

Chi-Chi: fine but this one time only!

Goku: thanks Chi-Chi and with that I'm off *uses Instant transmission*

Moments later Goku arrives at the mansion

Drago: you're here great great great let's go over the plan and then let's attack Frieza!

Goku: yeah he won't know what's coming by the way is there the ginyu force still there?

Drago: no they're all dead but Mr. Captain desire did use the "change now" technique that was a nightmare.

Goku: yeah I remember what he did to me that was crazy

Drago: let's go over the plan first reply straight for the bridge we can get there super easily because all the guards in the ship are Dead then once you get to the bridge we'll see the girls we have to get them out third then we can truly focus on taking out Frieza then we win

Goku: that's a perfect plan

Drago: let's go kick some emperors butt!!!!!!!!!!

Will Drago and Goku be able to defeat Frieza And save the girls? find out in the next episode.

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