Overnight - Ch 3

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He wasn't like anyone else, everything about him was so different. I don't think I'll regret ever giving him my phone number and neither will I regret meeting him. I feel a connection between us — a special one. He seems like he'll be staying around here longer, so I will too. It's only fair and goes both ways.

Since we were both gonna hang out more longer, I should probably strike up another conversation, although, I feel pretty tired right now but all for him isn't it? I yawned, realising how awkward it was between us now.

To make it less awkward between us, I spoke, "So, Josiah. Are you interested in anything, like a passion? Maybe for gaming?"

To which he responded, "Thinking about it now, I haven't really thought if I had a passion or not. I just go along with how my life goes, nursing isn't my interest or passion. Maybe, I'll give you an answer next time alright when I found my passion or interest, okay?"

I sighed in disappointment but it's alright. He just needed time to find out what he has interests in. Well, I can't really think of anything else to ask him. I'm not that good of a brainstormer or thinker whatever you call it. I can't make conversations easily with  people I just met honestly.

I really do wanna get to know him but it's rather hard to come up with a topic, except  when he talked about his story. His story was actually nice, it tells what he is as a human in general as such. He's not someone heartless unlike some people in this world, he has feelings.

It's getting late but I don't wanna leave him here alone to rot so I'm in comtemplation whether I should head back home or continue staying here but with awkward silence. I feel really bad if I do abandon him here, I don't want him to think that I don't care about his feelings when I do. What if I ask him to send me back home? I shouldn't perhaps, forget about it. That's gonna be hinting to him and somehow as I always empathize, it's way too fast. I just met him couple hours ago.

"Hey, is it fine if i head home first? I really am worn out from everything today, I apologize," I expressed my regret as I spoke, I felt really bad just abandoning him out of nowhere too.

Seeing the look on his face, I could tell that he doesn't want me to leave or head home. I can see the pout on his face without him actually doing it, I hate this feeling of feeling guilty but I really can't endure this tiredness any longer if I could. I have to before I pass out on this bar's rooftop.

".. Sure, you may. I'll see you another time Ailea? I'll head home too," he muttered in complete sadness.

I could tell how he felt, not a psychologist or anything. I had to abandon him anyways sadly even if I didn't want too. Opening the door from the rooftop, I started heading down the stairs to go to the streets. I dialed up my personal driver to pick me up, privileges of being rich after all. I waited and waited until they arrived.
I got in the car, slowly, we head off. The view was unexpectedly still really magnificent in my eyes. The moon was clear from the naked eye, that's how pretty it was, the skies filled with the stars as well.

Wow, I thought to myself. I never really loved going back home at all exceptionally for today. Today was different, I really admired the night sky. It'll take awhile to head back home so I took out my phone from my pocket and saw that he had already texted me so I sent a reply back.

"Where are you at now? Stay safe okay," he texted beforehand.

I felt heartwarmed by his message. Never knew a stranger could care this much, not when they met you hours ago.

"Thank you, you stay safe too please," I replied him back, would be too rude to leave him on seen.

Lovely, right on the dot. We had already arrived home before I knew it. Our family and I, we live in a mansion, it's really clean and sparkly. Mostly thanks to our maids, I really formed a great bond with them over the years of my life. They were like my second family, you know.

I jumped on my bed, I yawned. This day was so tiring today but yet maybe it's the best day ever right? I haven't made a new friend in years, like literal years. I think last time I made a new friend was back when I was what? Fourteen or fifteen years old, thats long ago. I could barely remember anything from back then. I could go on and on talking about my life back then and how great it was, well to me it was fantastic.

This all just dots me back when I was in elementary school. When I knew nothing about life or when I did not know what I wanted in life in the future but here I am. I aspire to be like my mother, I really love designing clothes but maybe one day. I have to work hard to achieve it, hard work pays off just as everyone says.

Fashion designer can bring you really far, no doubts. Imagine if you worked under a model or a famous celebrity and you get to design their clothes? That's honestly such a dream for me, it's the reason I look forward to live. I have amazing people who stuck by me to support me — like my family and friends. They believe that I'll be a fashion designer like my mother one day, it earns you like 5 figures here a month here maybe? Well that's if you're like a famous designer for people if not then minimally atleast 4 figures. It isn't that bad in all honesty.

I can't stop wondering how different will life change for me if I succeed in my own dreams. I'll finally be successful on my own, without being dependant on anyone else after all not when you earn above average wage. I'll finally head off for a better life, but with more stress. That's fine to me though, stress is pretty much normal in life. You feel stress everyday and you probably don't know it, even when you play games, you can feel stressed as well surprisingly isn't it?

Ah, I think I daydreamt off way too much as I thought. I should head to sleep. Out of a sudden, a ding went off my phone. In a hurry, I picked up the phone and read the notification. It was from Josiah, no surprise.

"If you're asleep already, please have sweet dreams alright? Goodnight my Ailea," he texted me.

Aww, that was honestly so sweet of him even when I just met him today. Am i this lucky right now?

"No, I'm not asleep but I'll head to sleep now. Goodnight to you, have sweet dreams," I replied back, immediately after, I yawned.

Why is he so sweet towards me? Unless, maybe he's like me and he's falling for me? No way, I'm just thinking too much about all this. I started to doze off, hoping to sleep. It's so hard for me to sleep, it can take a couple of minutes so I just continued to have my eyes closed until I had slept. Life was gonna get better from today onwards, isn't it? I'll finally have a change for the better of my own life.
Life has never been this great unlike last time when I hit the rock bottom of my life, where my family and I struggled with a lot of debts and bills back then but everything gotten better within weeks. It didn't start off like this though, I wasn't born rich as people think.

I'm getting more tired now, I'll be heading to sleep. Goodnight.

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