Acceptance? - Ch 12

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The minute I jumped onto my bed, everything went pitch black and I went to sleep. The interview made me so dizzy and tired, I needed a break. I hope after all that I get my reply by tomorrow, well that's what it said on the website I think. The night sky was filled with the stars shining throughout the night until the sun rose.

It was about 12 a.m when I reached home and went to sleep. The interviewer was nice nonetheless, good first impression in my opinion.

Fast forward, it was already sunrise.

"Ring, ring!" my alarm clock rang as the clock strikes 7 a.m in the morning.

Give me a break, not another day. The sky was already so bright outside but yet really pretty. The view infront of me was so beautiful. The only main point in my day today is the reply letter to my job interview last evening. I need to shower and wash up before I start my day off today. I finally managed to push myself to get off the bed, had the best sleep in a long time. Now to stress about the reply.

Rubbing my eyes as I get my towel and head to the shower, cold showers are the best in the morning. Gets you freshened up early, and probably freezing but it's fine. I don't usually do cold showers but maybe today is an exception to prepare me what's ahead for today.

I turned on the shower and set it cold. Feels so refreshing.


After a quick shower, "I'm finally done, that was definitely needed." I mumbled to myself.

I got my clothes ready for the day. Ta-da, I'm done. I went ahead to sit on my desk and set up my laptop. It was already 8.45 a.m by then. The clock was ticking. In a hurry, I opened up my email to see if they have sent a reply yet.

"Nope, none. Maybe later," I sighed in disappointment.

I was so anxious to get my reply, I wanted this job. I will just check on it later, then maybe it'll be sent. I can just make breakfast in the meantime after that I'll check again hopefully.

I went downstairs to go and make my food in the kitchen. I'm craving a little for sandwiches - what about a ham sandwich or egg and cheese? That'll do. I got ready the bread and toasted it up for the crunchy taste. I decided to make egg and cheese sandwiches for the day. Maybe about one or two, I don't feel hungry much.

I had set up a timer for when my toasted bread will be ready. In the meantime, I went ahead to cook the eggs and prepare the cheese.

"Ting!" my timer rang, I took the 2 pair of toasted bread out of the toaster.

Now for the eggs, it's about to be done in about a minute. I was cooking up them tasty eggs for the sandwiches. I was making scrambled eggs as I heard they fit well with the cheese. The eggs look thickened and not dry already, it should be cooked.

I put the eggs on the 2 sandwiches and served it on my plate to bring it upstairs to my room. It sure smells really delicious. Could even smell it from downstairs, that's how wonderful it is. The smell was very distinctive as I walked up to my room.

The moment I sat down on my desk, I munched down the sandwiches.

"Mm, very delicate and appetizing!" as I gulped down my food, truly one of a kind. Maybe, I was just hungry.

I went ahead to look at my phone for any texts ; It's Josiah! I forgot to answer him last night and this morning.

"Asleep yet princess?" Josiah texted at 12.30 a.m.

"Good morning!"
"How are you doing my love, awake yet?" he texted at 9 a.m.

"Yes, I'm awake. Good morning to you as well! :)" as I texted him back, this time with a smiley face.

Instantly got a reply back, it read, "Oh that's good? How's the interview yesterday night and have you had your breakfast yet?" he asked about my day.

"Yep, I am having my breakfast right now love. As for the interview, I was quite anxious but I hope I did good. Currently waiting for the reply," I replied back while still swallowing my sandwiches, almost done - just a bite left.

I felt full as I took my final bite. I'll just bring this plate down later at the sink to wash it. It's about 10.50 a.m now. I went ahead to check my email once again, not there. I scrolled through my phone's tiktok page whilst waiting for the reply since it helps me calms down.

I can't wait to be honest, you don't know how excited I feel yet so anxious. There were so many funny tiktoks appearing on my phone, laughing like a crazy maniac that got released from the mental hospital.

I wish he was here with me to see the result I got for my interview but I guess not. I know he hopes the best for me, I do too. He's the love of my life and I'm glad I met him. I turned on the notifications for my email so that I can look at it the moment it got released. It should be quite soon so I'm just waiting in silence.

I'll just text him, "I think my results are gonna come quite soon, I'm scared babe."


How long will this take? My tiktok page is full of comedy and edits. Scrolling through.
My view from my bedroom was so fantastic, it was like seeing a whole city in the nighttime but daylight version. Full of lights surrounded the city and the vehicles driving past, buzzling city indeed.

"Ring!" the notification on my phone buzzed.

I checked, my jaw dropped. Oh my god, finally. It's from my email. I opened up my computer to see the reply.

I got.. accepeted!

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