Distance - Ch 15

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Ever since I had started out this job with being a secretary around 5 days ago, I felt that Josiah and I kept being more further away from eachother — a distance was growing between us. It was the work hours and the shifts that made it so hard for us to continue communicating as much as we used too. I really miss the closeness between us before but, sometimes we just have to adapt to changes; you can't stop that. As much as I hate to say it, I miss him.

By now, I had already finished all the paperwork given to me and I was free to leave. I thought I would've seen a notification from my phone — but, I did not. It's been around 10 hours by now. I was getting ready to leave the office to be on my way home. The clock has already ticked 12 05 a.m. Sometimes, I really feel worried for him. How is he handling all of this when he works at the hospital?

I waved goodbye to Mr. Robertson before leaving his office, today felt tiring. I have to get used to this lifestyle now. It has only been 5 days, felt like an eternity to me. Time really goes by fast.

I called a taxi to drive me home. Whilst waiting for the taxi, I kept checking my phone for Josiah's notifications but none came by. I'll just check it later on. Tha taxi arrived soon and I hopped in. I couldn't help but think what are the changes I have to adapt too as the days pass by. Will we be more distant? Or, how will we cope with this together? Will i lose him? There are so many thoughts and things that could happen, I'm already imaging what it could be.

Maybe, I'm just going too far with thesr thoughts? I could never know. Is this normal? Am i just overthinking this? I really want things to stay good betwren us.

The night was so beautiful as the taxi passes by the highway. I couldn't help but admire the stars that could be seen in the sky. It was so surreal, it was like nothing I have ever seen.

Soon, I arrived home already. I have not checked my phone throughout the ride, I saw — a notification from him!

"Hey honey, how has today been going for you? I'm sorry I had a procedure to help out with today and I did not inform you sooner," he texted.

That's so sweet, I squealed in my head.

"Hey, it's been okay. How about yours? How was the procedure? I really miss you," I replied back in a hurry.

We continued on texting even when I reached my bed. He had already ended his work for today. I'm so in love with this man. I'm so proud of him for earning so much money. Although, sometimes I really think it affects our relationship with our salaries as I earn way lesser than him as a secretary. As long as we are financially stable.

It was already 2 a.m, I should be proceeding to sleep but I'm still awake because of him. I texted him goodnight and turned off my phone for the day. While we texted, I had some closure and reassurance from him. I hope we get married someday, my dream. I told him about how I had these thoughts about my head and he wrote to me all the reassurance I needed.

Maybe, this would really work out. I hope. Afterall, he's just a guy I met at a bar. What could go wrong, right?

Before I headed to sleep, I managed to grab a couple of snacks; my stomach was growling. I can't wait for tomorrow already. Not for work, for him. Nothing could ever stop me from loving this man. He has everything — the looks, wealth and personality all in one. I still can't believe if I did not went to the rooftop that night, I would have never met him. Our fate would not be aligned. That night was magical, everyday I have flashbacks to it.

Ever since then, I don't even visit that bar anymore. It was so lovely that night with the sky in our favour. The moment I looked at him in the eye, I felt a connection between us. I have never been so in love before. Not even with my ex. This was the first time I ever felt like this. Is this good? What is this feeling? Is Josiah really the one for me, what if something happens between us? The night was all I needed — tonight and the first night we met. All the peace I felt.

It felt as if he offered me serenity with all the downs in my life. It felt as if he was the only light there was in the darkness. The only one guiding me on through everything. Everything was at ease after him, it was meant to be. I think and hope to myself all the time.

I cannot comprehend anything anymore, It was getting late and my eyes were on the verge of closing. I went to sleep and closed my eyes.

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