Work - Ch13

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"I'm finally starting my first day of work!" mumbling to myself while getting ready.

I finally get to experience how's it like to finally work like an adult, this has a high pay as well. The building looks luxurious and I always have dreamt of working in the office. This has always been something I dreamt of doing.

I was packing what I needed for work then finally heading off. It was an hour journey so I have time to prep myself for today's shift. It was from 2 pm all the way to 12 am - a ten hour shift , it's alright. I booked a cab to the workplace.

While waiting for the cab to arrive, I checked my phone for any notifications since it was on 'Do not Disturb'. There were about 5 notifications from Josiah since then it read,

"Have fun at work alright?"
"All the best for today, sweetheart!"
"I'll be here if you need anything,"
"Ask me if you need any help."
"I'm gonna be busy so see you later love,"

Those were the 5 messages from him, I love him so much.

I replied back, "Yes, don't worry. I'll try to have fun at work! Just hoping that I don't mess it up on the first day itself and of course I'll ask you if I need help in anything.
See you later as well love!"

By the time I knew it, the cab had already came to pick me up. I got into the cab and made myself comfortable for the next hour or so. The ride was very soothing while I was making my way there, I couldn't wait for my first day today. Mr. Robertson, my manager, word had it around the city that he was a sweet and understanding man. That sure reassured me that I would not be in any mistreatment; hopefully.

About 20 minutes in, I finally see the sightseeing view of the city. I never bothered to check the surroundings the other time before my interview but now that I see it — it is really amazing. America amazes me with the skyscarpers, modern buildings, roads and ect. Obviously ignoring the fact that a lot of natural disasters happening here and gun regulations but, otherwise I do think it is an amazing place to live in. The amount of things you can enjoy here is uncountable.

I still go to that bar occasionally where Josiah and I met, I reminisce the moment everytime on that rooftop; the stars that could have been seen sparkling through the night while we talked about life and getting to know eachother. Look what we are now. Before I realized it, I felt tears coming out of my eyes in the car while I was still on my way to my workplace. Really magical.

I could see my workplace in the distance, that was quick. I felt like I went past a gush of air and suddenly I almost arrived here. As we are reaching, I went out of the car and thanked the driver for taking his time to get me here. 

Looking at the building infront of me will never get old. It is so high and modern, almost like a skyscraper but it is not. As I walked in with my keycard, I felt as if I was someone in the authority entering. I was shaking the whole time I was making my way to Mr. Robertson's office which was on the 25th floor. The interior never fails to amaze me with everything being so decorated and some even in real gold or diamond. Crystals hanging here and there, amazing. I finally made it to the 25th floor, I went on to knock on the door making sure if there is Mr. Robertson is inside.

Thankfully, he opened the door.

"Hello, sir. Good morning," greeting him normally.

"Good morning, Ms Aliea. You may proceed in, I do need help with a few paperwork if you don't mind," he replied as I see the paperwork lying around on his office table.

It does not look much, or so I thought. I grabbed a few paperwork around seven I think. I looked through the papers before I started working on it. Most of it was accounting or stuff related to finances.
Since there was another computer in Mr. Robertson's office, I went ahead to use it to try and complete the papers. As I turned on the computer, I started organizing the papers to the hardest to easiest so I can prioritize the hard ones first.

"Save the best for last," they always have said. This allows me to not worry about having to stress completing it later.

I went ahead to explore the documents and stuff on this computer needed for the paperworks. This seemed okay, for now. Around 45 minutes later, I'm done with only 2 papers — the hardest ones. It does not seem that bad as people say working as a secretary.

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