On the verge - [Josiah's POV] Ch 5

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I'll die for this girl, she has already became my everything and my first priority in such a short period of time. Has she infiltrated my mind at this point? I heard a ding from my phone — it has to wait though.

I can't fail this time, everyone's rushing. My patient is on the verge of greeting death and I can't let it happen. Ailea has to wait for now, I love her but not now. I ran to get the prescriptions and medicines , everything. Running back and forth in the hospital is so breathtaking. The room is in a mess, filled with surgeons, doctors and nurses.

Currently, the patient is hyperventilating and having a seizure. It isn't the right time to fool around. No way, I have to succeed. My career's on the line. This stress is getting to me but I have to persevere. Diagnosed with stage 4 cancer, life's on the line — everyone's stressed. This job is so stressful and tired if you wanna go home and sleep right away. As if there's no breaks here, every second matters.

"Quick, quick! Get the diazepam medicine here! There's no time!" screaming around as the frontline workers rushed everywhere.

In a rush, found the medicine and gave it to the patient. Before that, I placed them on their side to keep their airway clear. They had given us a piece of instructions in case we had forgetten the procedure. Everyone kept clear, away from the patient — listed on the instruction paper. We stood by the side anxiously hoping the seizure will slightly improve and it did. Guessing everything went well, we still have to get the cancer out of the patient. Too bad, there isn't a cure for it.

We have to destroy the cancer cells before the spread gets worse. Delaying any more further will cause the patient's death. Surgery isn't an option for patients with stage 4 cancer as it has spread throughout the body so, we are soon to helpless to help out as of right now. There's nothing else to help this patient unless we just dismiss them and let them live their best life.

I mean, it feels so heartless to do but stage 4 cancer usually can't be cured but at the same time, if we do keep the patient in the hospital knowing theres no more hope then it's utterly useless. They only have less than 12 months to live. The workers — all of us — we discussed whether we should dismiss the patient as there's nothing else we can do. I haven't realised how much time has passed during the process.
So much has happened, can't process it. Atleast now, the atmosphere has cooled down as everyone else is doing the paperwork to dismiss the patient from the hospital so I took out my phone and read the text from Ailea.

"Yeah, I am free. Where and what time will it be?" it read.

That's good to hear from her, atleast we can have another meetup again. I miss seeing her face close-up. Everything about her. I just need her in my arms currently but this stupid job. It doesn't give me much free time even, but I understand. This job is everything to me, beside Ailea of course. It saved me from bankruptcy and my rent. Otherwise, I'd be living on the streets right now. I still haven't thought of a place for us to meet up. What do girls like to hang out at? Clubs? Go for movies? Cute dates? Picnics or what. I have so many ideas in my mind but yet I don't know her well enough to choose the best one.

Maybe the picnic under the sky, we could go stargazing forever and admire the stars in the night-sky like our encounter but more romantic. She has my whole heart, she can do anything she wants to me. I wanna just be the one she loves forever and ever.

"At the nearby beach, at 6:30 p.m. How's that sounding?" I replied to her, flustered.

Before I go off-task, I should go back to focusing on what's happening right now. Has it already been 7:35 p.m? Time go by so fast, faster than I thought. My shift is about to end in 25 minutes anyways, 12 hour shift sucks my ass. I giggled off to my own.
I spent the time in the staff area waiting for her reply. I'm pretty sure she'd be pretty free right now so it won't take long. I'm gonna make our picnic the best she ever had. I'm gonna bring all the food, drinks, snacks and everything. All I wanna see is just her smile and laugh, it brightens up my day so much. She was all I need, my will to live.

Although, sometimes I'm confused to what are we, like, are we a couple or in a talking stage or nothing at all. I don't think I should about that too much and I should keep it on a sturdy pace for her so that she can also get to know me and vice versa. I really love her and I want her to adjust to having me around. I wanna treat her like the queen she actually is, she's so gorgeous. I'm actually so lucky to have her right now, my temptation to show her off to everyone is so high.

She just read the message, my heart is beating so fast for no reason. I spot her texting so i waited. Instantly blueticked her message, it read, "Yeah, why not? Sounds more than fantastic, I can't wait!"

I'm glad that she loves the idea, well, It's still gonna be a surprise. I sound so childish right now, acting deeply in love like a teenager would. But, that's the truth. I really am in love with her, everything about her is perfect. She also has flaws but it's fine to me, her imperfections are also her perfections to me. Nothing will change how I see her. I look at her as if she's my girl ; she will be my girl soon anyways.

She's always on my mind 25/8, even at work where I'm supposed not to be distracted but her though. The exception. I'll do anything for that girl. I love my job but I love her more truly. Will anything ever replace her worth? Nope. I won't stop talking about how perfect she is to me, my one and only honestly. I hope she also thinks the way, her love weighs more than gold bars. I wanna be worthy of it.

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(All was found on google and researched, apologies if I got anything wrong ! )

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