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"I killed him! I can't believe I killed him!" Neville began to panic as he paced the small room. "What am I going to do?"

Clementine knelt down to get a closer look at the dead body splayed across the floor. There were no signs of trauma, Neville must have used a spell-- the killing curse, presumably-- to kill the man. Her eyes flickered upwards to meet Pansy's, and the witch raised one her her perfect brows in response. The two didn't need to exchange words to know how bad this situation was.

"I killed him! I killed him!" Neville continued to whimper.

"Oh, would you keep it down over there before I silence you myself, Longbottom!" Pansy hissed. "He attacked you. It was self defense."

"What happened?" Clementine asked. She used the tip of her wand to inspect the man's face. She prodded his cheek, turning his face slightly to get a better look. She didn't recognize him, but his face was looking more and more distorted as seconds ticked by. He was quickly turning grey, much faster than a normal human would have. "Who is this?"

"That's not any of your concern." Pansy nudged Clementine away from the body with her heel. "We've got this covered, Beaumont."

"We might as well tell her, Parks." Neville groaned, "She's already seen enough."

"We'll obliviate her then." Pansy whipped out her wand and pointed it between Clementine's eyes. "She won't know the difference."

"How familiar are you with that charm, Parkinson?" Clementine shot back at her as she got to her feet to meet Pansy's eye-line. She wasn't afraid as she stood her ground in front of her former friend.

"You're not accusing me of obliviating that child are you?" Pansy snarled.

"Should I be?" Clementine lifted her wand to point it back at Pansy. Her eyes darted between Pansy and Neville, "I thought you two were having an affair, but clearly I was wrong. Whatever is going on here is so much worse."

"Us?" Pansy threw her head back and laughed. She pointed her wand at Neville, "Me and Longbottom? An affair? Darling, please. Was it not obvious that Cho and I are together?"

Even Neville began to chuckle nervously, "You really think I would cheat on Luna?"

"What's this about then?" Clementine's hand shook as she kept her wand pointed forward. "It would be best if you explained to me what's going on here before I come to my own conclusions and call in the aurors."

"As if that will do any good." Pansy rolled her eyes and put her wand in her holster beneath her dress. "Put the wand down, Clem. You're going to take someone's eye out."

Clementine lowered her wand and stared at them both expectantly. "Well?"

"We're being blackmailed." The words spilled out of Neville's mouth. "It started out small. We were just doing deliveries on things— usually the occasional black market plant— but it's escalated considerably."

"By this guy?" Clementine pointed to the body still lying on the floor.

"No." Pansy scowled, "Whoever he works for."

"You don't even know?" Clementine gaped at them in disbelief. "What kind of blackmail could they even possibly have on you two?"

"That's none of your business."

"Drug dealing."

The two spoke over each other, both surprised by their answer.

"Why would you tell her that?" Pansy hissed as she glared at Neville. She looked like she was trying to murder him with her cold, dark eyes. "We don't need anyone else knowing our business!"

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