Chapter 13 - The Phone Call

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"Janey? Oh thank God, I caught you before you boarded that plane! Now listen to me honey... Something came up and Richard and I won't be home this week or next. So there's no point in coming home."

"But, mama...."

"I know it's disappointing Janey, I was looking forward to seeing you, but we'll have spring and summer, and we'll make it special for you. I've already talked to the school and you'll be welcome to spend the break there in your room. They said the cafeteria prepares a nice holiday themed dinner for the students that are still there, and we'll be sure to ship your presents soon."

"But where are you.."

We're headed out of the country. Richard's father had a health scare and he asked me to support him while he's dealing with his family."

"I could go with you..."

"No, Janey, Richard's parents are older and set in their ways and they don't like children running around."

"I'm fourteen, and not a child anymore...I could help."

"Trust me, it's best you stay where you are. It's much more simple, and decreases the stress on everyone. Why don't you invite some friends over to your room for a celebration?"

"They've all gone home to be with their families."

Marcie was quiet for a minute. Then her voice ratcheted up.

"Well what do you want me to say Janey? Don't be selfish here! I'm doing what's best for all of us by keeping you out of things. It would just put undue pressure and stress on us and on Richard's parents. It's not like there won't be other times we can see each other. Like you said, you're not a child anymore, so it's time to stop acting like one. It's time to be a grown up. Deal with it.  I'll see you in a few months, and we'll catch up then."

Marcie paused, breathing hard. And I was too shocked to say anything else. In a softer voice she said, "I hope you have a good time honey." and the phone clicked off.

I was numb. I couldn't say anything or feel anything so I put the receiver down and got up from the desk. The attendant looked concerned, but when I gave her my boarding passes she understood.

"I won't be needing these."

I looked over to a very worried looking Miko.

"Would you take me back to school please?"

"Ahh of course, let's go..."I let him guide me back to his cab and I just stood there next to the open door, as he loaded my bag. He looked at me and bent down to see my eyes, but I couldn't see him properly, the tears had finally come.

"Why doesn't she love me?" 

It started as a whisper and ended on a wail. "Why does she always choose something or someone else over me. I'm never enough."

I stood there, shivering in my navy parka and good shoes feeling like it was the end of the world, crying so hard I couldn't even breathe.

Suddenly I felt strong hands and big arms fold me intto a khaki jacket that smelled like Old Spice menthol and coffee. I crumpled into the gesture, hanging on for dear life and letting him pat my hair even though he had no clue what he was doing.

"Moja Droga, sometimes life hurts more than it should, yeah? Especially for one so young. You've seen pain, I can tell, and I hurt for you. But, I need to make a phone call, I'll be back. You sit here, and when I come back we'll talk, yeah? Don't go anywhere." He nudged me toward the open door of the car and I sat down.

He pulled a cotton handkerchief out of an interior pocket and handed it to me for my eyes and leaking nose. The starched white square was soft and smelled like lavender. I accepted it gratefully and started trying to calm down. "I'm sorry, I just lost it there for a minute. I'll be okay."

He turned and rushed to a phone booth just outside the terminal and I watched him make a quick phone call that included big gestures. Within three minutes he was back with me and sat in the driver's seat as I was still melting down in the back.

"I had to call my Ginny...she knows more about girls than I do." He chuckled. Do you know the Sunshine diner?"

"I've heard of it, but I haven't been there, some kids in school say they have good milkshakes."

"My Ginny will meet us there, I don't feel comfortable leaving you alone in your room right now, and I know you may feel uncertain with this big... "nieznajomy" uumm, stranger trying to comfort you...but if we are in a bright public place, maybe I can buy you one of those milkshakes and we can have breakfast together and talk about what happened, yeah?"

"Mr. J. you're not a're nicer to me than my own family. I appreciate you trying.." My voice wobbled a bit, and I couldn't finish...but I saw him nod at me in the mirror, then pull out in traffic toward town.

Fifteen minutes later,  I looked  at his smile in the mirror. "Ahh, she beat us here.."

He parked next to a bright royal blue VW Bug with white pinstripes, and a Baja kit. The tailpipes stuck up like the tail on an angry cat. It made me smile.

As he ushered me into the warm and inviting atmosphere I breathed deeply. Eggs, sausage, coffee, cigarettes, cinnamon and syrup all invaded my senses. this smelled like happiness.

I saw a person wave at us from one of the turquoise booths at the far end. She got up and waited for us to walk down past all the other people enjoying their breakfast. Miko reached her first and whispered something in her ear. She held his face, kissed him soundly and then turned to look at me.

How do you describe someone who looks like a mother? She looked like the epitome of motherhood, grandmotherhood, Mother Earth and Mother Goose all rolled into one. My eyes widened as I took her in.

Her wildly curly long grey hair was held back from her face by two barrettes. The silver wire wrapped quartz crystals hanging from her ears looked heavy and pulled at her lobes, swinging around as she turned to face me.

She was clean, plump and inviting, the way your bed looks inviting, after a long day working outside. Turquoise and iridescent blue beads hung from her neck. She had green eyes coral lipstick and wore a purple tunic with a layered multicolored crepe skirt. Looking down, I was delighted to see Birkenstocks, real ones, paired with fluffy wool socks.

She was absolutely stunning.

She looked at me and held her arms out. "Kochanie, may I give you a hug?"

I strangled out a sob and ran to her embrace, like I'd been looking for it my whole life. She rocked me on her bosom in the middle of the Sunshine diner, as if I was her own long lost grand-daughter. She hummed some little song I didn't know, until I stopped crying. Eventually, she turned to the big man behind me. "Miko, can you order breakfast for us? You know what I like and I'm sure Janey will eat pancakes and eggs"

"And a milkshake," he added with a wink in my direction. "Coming right up".

He ambled to the counter and sat at a stool, while she held me by the arms and guided me into the booth, like I was a toddler.

"You must call me Ginny. My name is "Genowefa", but who can pronounce that correctly here in America. To you we are Miko and Ginny. Miko has told me all about you. You made quite an impression on him, you know. We lost our family a long time ago, and we're doing okay...but sometimes the universe brings people together for a reason. Do you believe in fate, destiny,... magic? She waved her hands toward the air, glancing up.

I sat up, stunned. "Yes," I said resolutely. "I do believe in magic."

"Then good... we have found each other, because we have both been brought to this moment. We've been missing a part of ourselves. Miko says you are alone for the for winter break. Well not anymore. We don't celebrate Christmas but you will be with us." She held out her hand across the table.

She said it as a fact, not a request or an invitation. It was just the way it was going to be.

It felt like the hundred pound weight that I'd been carrying around my entire life was lifted off my chest and I could finally breathe.

I inhaled my lungs full of the Sunshine Diner's rare air, slowly let it out, and smiled at her.

"OK." I reached across and accepted her hand in mine.

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