Chapter 32 - The Last Entry

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The sun was just starting to rise, when Janey awoke. She stretched, pointed her toes then yawned and flopped over to her left side, hoping that the source of warmth that was around her when she fell asleep would still be there. Her heart fell when she felt the cold pillow with the back of her hand.

He was gone.

She listened. There were no sounds from her apartment, which led her to believe he really wasn't there. She sighed and got up, then winced and squinted. Wrapping her hands around the base of her skull, she pressed the pressure points on her head that usually released tension. But this was no tension headache.

The empty bottle of Malbec accused her from the bedside table. Why did wine do that? She hated any wine that assumed it was smarter than she was, and Malbec was right at the edge of that supposed educational tipping point.

She frowned at the bottle and tossed it in the trash by her bed with a satisfying clunk.

She was such a lightweight. Obviously she still didn't drink often or much. But with growth comes wisdom, and she knew that she would never become the person her father used to be, no matter if she took a drink or not. So on occasion she allowed herself to indulge. The world was never going to be black and white. Experience had taught her that much at least.

She smelled coffee, and something else, something cheesy. Shuffling into the kitchen she smiled. The brew had been made and was being kept warm on the burner. Plus there was a bag on the kitchen counter with a note by it, written on one of her yellow legal pads. Peter's strong printing made her smile.

Dear JJ, (my Just Janey).

I'm sorry to leave you alone this morning, but I needed to be somewhere early, and you were sleeping so peacefully. I didn't want to wake you.

I thought perhaps you'd like something to replenish what that wine took from you yesterday. I can imagine you may have a headache since you don't drink often. I stopped at the coffee shop down below, and they had fresh juices and smoothies. I hope you don't mind me getting one for you.

I have a pretty big question for you, and I know it's sudden, but I have to ask it.

I'd like to take you back to visit my home in Scotland. I have something I really need to show you. But I don't want you to be under any pressure. You have the next move, JJ. I'll wait for you to contact me before I try to see you again. This is your decision, I'll respect any choice you make. But please know that I'll be here. I'm not going anywhere. Please find my number on the sticky note by your phone.

I love you.

PS, there's a breakfast burrito in the bag, if you need a little something stronger.

Janey tore into the bag, with a huge grin on her face, unwrapped the burrito and took a massive bite before she stopped to critically examine the "Kale Ginger Wake up Call" smoothie.

She sniffed it, made a face, but then dutifully took a sip before sputtering and coughing at the ginger, kale, cayenne blend.

Whose idea of torture was it to blend kale, and Cayenne pepper together? Peter was cruel she noted, as she could hear his laughter in her head. She thunked the smoothie in the sink, and got a cup of coffee instead.

But after a minute her smile fell and she truly thought about Peter's note.

He'd sought her out, apologized again, told her the truth, said that he still loved her. And now Scotland? What was this all about, why now?

She examined her heart in the clear light of a harsh Monday morning. The dull ache in her head, counteracted the warmth leftover in her chest, clarifying the vision she needed.

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