Ch37 Life In Spikemuth

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( I HAVE A FEW IMPORTANT ANNOUNCEMENTS!! 1.I have decided what names/genders for which pokemon so thank you to everyone who suggested names. 2. All months shall be labeled with events to help keep track of time. All these names were taken from commenters, also when reader gets her multi-leash for her pokemon it looks like how the picture above makes it look. Also I don't own the pics. Both was found on google images. 3. The progress of the reader and Piers's eventually relationship shall be picked up in pace starting at the end of the chapter.  Now onto the names AND genders of the shinies. Also in case anyone had forgotten in the story Victor traded espurr for a shiny riolu. The few lyrics Piers sings is from the song THRILLER (Michael Jackson)// Jonathan Young Keytar-fusion-rock Cover. Original song by Micheal Jackson. Link to song is also below.

Riolu(boy): Gold.  Zorua(girl): Loki. Pikachu(boy): Harvest. Zigzagoon(boy): Piers Jr. or P.J. Sylveon(girl): Blueberry.)



"Y/n? Wake up! Pearl's here I want to introduce you two before I take off for work!"

Hard knocks could be heard on the door in the wee hours of the morning as Ruby proceeded to knock on your bedroom door. Another slightly older woman stood next to her with long silver hair in a braid and hazel eyes. Arms crossed and brow raised looking between the door and Ruby who still pounded on the door to get an answer out of you. 

"Are you sure she's still here and didn't leave already?," Pearl asked to which Ruby shook her head.

"I didn't see her at breakfast. Maybe she's just a heavy sleeper."

Pearl went to open her mouth but a sudden thud on the other side of the door made the two women pause as more and more noise came from the other side. They both stared at the door before looking to one another as more noise continued which sounded like there was a crowd on the other side...Before Ruby reached out and opened the door- And Pearl gave a high pitched squeal as all of a sudden three or four little figures darted from under her feet and into the hallway they were in. Ruby yelping but standing there stunned at what was exactly running around her feet sniffing at her shoes curiously ...before it sneezed shaking it's head and looking up at her tongue hanging out. ..And she pointed.

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