Ch40 The Battle Tower

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"Will you be my date to the tournament?"




"No! Are you kidding me? After what happened? You said you just wanted to be friends so why would you even ask me that!?"

That's totally what he was bracing himself for when he walked through the door and couldn't stop the words from leaving his mouth. He just meant to ask you for a coffee as you stood there beautifully behind the counter smiling at him but instead that question left his lips unintentionally and he had froze standing there like he was a movie and someone pressed pause on it. You had also froze at the sudden question hand just above the register ready to type in an order for him blinking wide eyed at him like someone had just grown a second head. Before your face went neutral and you slowly lowered your hands.

"Piers," you voice dropped to a low and serious level, "A-Are you...a-asking me on a d-date?" Your face went red and so did his. As in like an actually romantic date?! NO! Absolutely not- Or was it? NO! What was he thinking!? Having you on his arm, smiling, and making him feel better about being there himself with Klara around. Keeping his attention on you while you him. Maybe getting closer- He shook his head hard enough to shake his ponytails. He opened his mouth to say 'No' and 'As just a friend' kinda deal but instead his mouth said something else. 


And then his hands shot up to his mouth making a light slap noise as they collided with his lips. Red immediately flooding his face and feeling as if his soul left his body when you blinked..and then chuckled at him. Making his heart skip a beat and humiliation flood over him. You were laughing at him. You must've thought he was ridiculous-

You nodded shy smile and eyes looking around. "Sure! It might be fun...I've never been on a d-date before."...When you didn't get an answer back you looked up to see Piers pale and staring at you. "Um...Piers?" you held up a hand. "Are you ok? You look pale. Paler than normal." 

His answer? He didn't give you one. He silently stared at you or nothing?? You couldn't tell. His arms had long since hung back to his sides and it was almost like he was a mannequin in a store window. Kinda creepy but this was more concerning than creepy the more he stood there pale faced and looking ready to drop- !?

"PIERS!?" You shouted as the rocker tilted sideways to the right and with a loud thud sound collided with the floor. You immediately ran from around your place behind the counter and dropped to your knees next to the dazed man sprawled on the ground blankly staring at the ceiling. Your hands immediately went under his head and chest pulling his shocked form up towards your concerned face. "Are you ok!? Speak to me!"

He continued staring up at the ceiling in a daze. "...You're...g-gonna be"

"I..Y-Yeah." You blinked. "But are you ok? GAH!?"

You were sat up really quickly by a blur and Piers was all of a sudden sat up clutching your arms looking serious and lost at the same time. "Did ya mean it!?" He looked at you wide eyed. "You'll go with me? A-And ya don't mind? Y-You.." His hands slowly let go of your arms staring like he didn't believe you. "You said you w-wouldn't mind goin' with me?..Really?" You slowly nodded. "....Why?"

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