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The sun peaked through Chris's curtains at just the right angle, he was facing me and the sun hit him just right. His freckles were showing and his hair looked golden in this light.

I took my hand and started to twirl some of his hair around my finger ever so gently. He let out a breathe and I froze in place, he started smiling? "You know, you could do that for hours and I'd never get sick of it?" he mumbles "Sorry for waking you"I say. I pulled his blanket closer to my face hiding the pink tint rising on my cheeks. "We should probably get up" I suggest " five more minutes kins, please?" Ugh that nickname gets me every time. "Alright" I swear if I don't tell him soon I'm afraid Nick might blurt it out.

Chris and I make our way downstairs to still see both Matt and Nick sleeping on the couch, guess the never left. Chris whispers to me " psst, wanna dump water on them?" " oh.my.lord. Get a bowl" I whisper back. Chris fills up a big bowl and fills it with water. "Ready? On three" "1...2...3..." we whisper in unison. Him and I toss the bowl up together and watch the water coke down on both boys. Gasps and groans are let out from Nick and Matt. "WHAT THE FUCK YOU TWO" Matt exclaims. "HAVE YOU GUYS LOST YOUR MINDS?!" Nick tells.

Chris and Kinsley are almost on the floor grabbing onto anything to hold onto because of how hard they were laughing. " Sorry guys, just couldn't resist. Still love you though" Kinsley squeaks out. "Mhm we're so sure" Matt groans put.

~Time Skip~

Matt gets a call from the triplets manager back in LA saying that they have a photoshoot in a few weeks. Matt brings us to the couch and brings it up with everyone, Nick is definitely on board but chris...not so much. Kinsley notices Chris's face and wonders to herself what's going on with him. Chris abruptly gets up from the couch and heads upstairs. "Do you guys know what's going on with him? Like, he just seems out of it.

I cannot be the only one who has noticed this" Matt and Nick share a look for a quick second before Nick reply's " kinsley look, it hard for us to explain what's going on with him" " it's really not our place to say what's bugging him right now, you'll just have to talk to him or wait for him to tell you I guess" Matt shrugs.

Kinsley makes her way up to Chris's room and pushes open the door peeking her head through to see if chris was there. "Hey" she says in a soft tone. It takes chris a minute to respond back. "Hi" chris is playing with his fingers while he sits on the end of his bed. "can I sit?" He hums in response. "are you okay?" No response. "chris... please look at me" he slowly looks up at me, his hair covering his eyes. "what's wrong?" "Nothing" he responds. "chris, I know something's wrong. Everyone can see it, and I'm worried"

Chris stops fiddling with his fingers and gets up from the bed. "Kins, please go" he says lowly " what?" I say in disbelief. " I said go, I can't be around you anymore" he tells me. With tears welling in my eyes I get up from the bed and walk towards the door. "I'll return your stuff tomorrow" I say quietly.
"Don't, I don't wanna see you anymore" he says venom laced in what he said.
"Okay" I say as I leave his room.

As Kinsley walks downstairs and to the front door she stops and says " tell your brother he's being a fucking asshole" she opens the door and walks right out leaving Nick and Matt stunned at her words.

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