Chapter 08 - First Quest

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   HEYO ;0 manage it to finish haha, my writing is kinda lazy in this chapter :c since im kinda dealing  with burn out :c anyways! I hope you all enjoy this chapter!!! TwT


                                   Thomas's POV

Tom : Where the hell are you guys? I've been waiting here at the school lobby for a few goddam minutes now.

TheOneHandsomeWolf : So sorry Tom, we didn't really expected it would take long for us to help out with Aiden's problem. But we are currently heading our way now!

ChunkyShork : Seriously... Darius was the one who was slowing us down with the crates.

I sighed. Thank god I didn't come with them, my back would really die from all that carrying. I didn't actually know what they were doing, but as far on what Ian told me, Aiden was called by his father, and was asked to help out some stuff there, and he asked the others to help him out.

Thankfully though, I head out to the cafeteria early, so I manage to escape from that...

MrLion : Hey! It's not my fault that the crates were extremely heavy!

H (Ray) : Wow, even though you're quite buffed yourself, you're still having trouble carrying one crate.

Tom : I know you two are arguing at one another right now, so I suggest you to stop. Also be quick, the announcement is about to start soon.

ChunkyShork : Aight!

H : Roger!

MrLion : Sure!

ThatOneHandsomeWolf Changed Your Username To DaddyTom.

ThatOneHandsomeWolf : Of course dad!

DaddyTom : Seriously Ian?

ThatOneHandsomeWolf : Hehe~ Why not?~ XD

I sighed before I turn off my phone and put it inside my pocket.

Few minutes had passed. They then arrived, panting heavily, trying to grasp for air.

"I hope we made it in time!" Ian said as he was trying to catch his breathe, "There's still 15 minutes left, before it start, so don't worry." I said, noticing him being sweaty, "Did you bathe in to a pool of sweat or something?" I said.

He raised his one eyebrow and grinned at me, "Wanna smell me?" He said and flexed. I frowned, quite disgusted from that, "Ew no." I said as he started to laugh.

"I'm kidding." He said, to which I sighed. He then opened his back and look for something inside, but suddenly groaned, "Shit, I forgot to bring spare t-shirt today." He sighed, before closing his bag.

"I know you might have forget something, since I noticed you were in a hurry." I then opened my bag and grabbed his t-shirt that I stored in my back just in case, "So I here, I got you're back." I said, before handing him to it.

"Oh my god Tom! you're such a lifesaver!" He said, before pulling me into a hug.

"Ian! Get off me! you reek of sweat!" I said as I try to push him away, to which obviously not even budging him the slightest, "Oh come on, don't be stingy~" He said, still not letting me go.

Eventually, he then let me go but his dam fucking sweat and scent is on me now.

I groaned, "You guys should better change now, there's only a few minutes before it actually starts." I said as all of them nodded, "Alright, don't go on missing me when i'm gone." Ian winked.

"Cringe." I replied, to which he laughed. All of them begin to head to the restroom, as Ian gave me another wink.

As when I turn around, everyone was looking at me, with a quite disgust expression on their faces. Not that like i'm bothered to it.

"So much for not standing out huh?" I murmured to myself.

=Time Skip=

After the announcement, we all then went to the city. Ian dragged me along with them, even though on how many times I insisted on coming with them.

Currently, we are in a fast-food restaurant, conversing about what to do tomorrow, since it's time for our first quest. It's more like a test or exam for us adventurers, where we pick a quest paper that is hanging on a quest board, and our grades will be calculated on how we handle it.

"So we will be doing our first quest at the Azure Forest huh?" Ray said, while sipping on his cola, "Yeah. I've heard that the beasts and monsters there are much stronger, so maybe that's why our class will be put there." Ian responded, to which everyone agreed with a nod.

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