Class of 2010

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Orientation day is where a bunch of students come down to the school to pay for shit like books, gym clothes, and take photo ID. It was still hot in August and I remember what I wore that day. A burgundy tank top, checker shorts that were burgundy, and checkered burgundy shoes. Yeah at that time I wore everything that matched. My parents dropped me off and I walked outside dying from the hot sun. I didn't even walk that far, but I can feel my sweat coming down on my face. 

I'm walking around and notice a tall black guy that look really familiar hanging around with his group of friends. 

"That can't be Dillan. The last time I saw him he was around my height." I thought. 

I got closer and it was him. I ran to him and said," Dillan!"

He looked at me with a big smiled," Loraine!"

We gave each other the biggest hug ever.

Dillan is one of my best guy friend who I have known since freshman year. Within the first three years of high school, he was struggling with his height. I remember him complaining about it every single day. Those were the days. We still text and call each other during summer break, but never had enough time to hang out. 

I said," Oh my god! You've grown! Puberty sure hit you late!" laughing hysterical.

He said," I know! I can't believe I'm already 5"11."

We both started laughing.

I said," Remember I told you to be patient. See! Your prayers has been answer."

He said," I remember. I'm so fucking happy! Oh and this is my little sister Carina."

He points at her and she shyly said, "Hello."

We were catching up and then my phone was ringing.

Brringg bringg!

I said," Hold on just one second Dillan."

He said," Okay."

I answer the phone," Hey Angel, where you at?"

Angel said," I'm here but I don't see you. Oh Jane's here with me also. We decide to ride together. "

I said," I'm over here by the bike area with Dillan. You remember Dillan right?"

I was staring at Dillan and he was talking to his friends. 

Angel said," Yeah. I'll see you there in a bit then."

I said," Sounds good, love."

I hang up the phone and waited for them. Thank god we were under the shade. Then I saw them walking towards me, they hug Dillan, and we all went inside the school campus. We were walking towards the book line and there was already a long line before us. We were talking and chatting until it was each of our turns to get our books and also took our photos for our ID. After we were done, we sat down on the table near the lunch area.

My school wasn't any ordinary school. It felt like I was in a Japanese school from my perspective. It was just one big building because everything was indoor besides the football field and parking lot. A few weeks later school was in session, but I forgot to mention I was talking to Cory's best guy friend. Let's call him Chris. We were talking to each other during the whole summer break.

Chris was two years younger than me, a football player and freshly out of a relationship. Before they broke up, she used to live here in Cali, but had to move out of state and they decided to do long distant relationship. Then I decided to be a little hoe by flirting and dirty talking to him knowing he was taken. I guess he wanted to be with me and broke it off with her. Now I feel so horrible, but at the same time was relieved because now he was single. 

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