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Angel was my best friend for over 10 years until she fucked it all up. But before that story, let me tell you a little bit about her. Angel is 5'1, Vietnamese, wore glasses, had big boobs but no ass, and had red highlights on her hair. She was born and raise in San Jose, only child, and her mother abandon her. Her aunt took her in. It was her aunt, her husband and two boys that she stayed with. They lived in a two story house in a really nice neighborhood. 

At the time Angel was going through a lot. Her boyfriend Billy from RHS was cheating on her, her aunt would give her shit every single day, and her uncle would sexually harass her. When she told me about her uncle, I would come to her house almost every single day and spend the night to protect her. That's how much of a good friend I was. Angel had her license earlier than me which I envy her a lot. Sometime we would go in her aunt's mini van to pick up her little cousins from school.

We would talk for hours and hours about life and boy problems. 

I said," What's wrong  with Jon? He seems like a good person if you are having issues with your boyfriend."

She said," He's just a friend Loraine. I'm trying to fix things with Billy."

 I said," He hasn't been there for you. Jon has. Billy rarely sees you and you are trying to fix things with Billy! You are out of your mind woman."

She said," I know. I'm just trying to get everything situated."

I didn't want to say anything anymore because I know she's already stressed as it is. We pick up her little cousins and went back to her place. It was just Angel, me, and her little cousin at the house. Her aunt works at a nail salon while her uncle works at the casino. They were busy all the time using Angel to be their babysitter, cook, and maid. I grew tire of their nonsense, but they were always nice to me.

They would serve me food every I come over which I felt spoil all the time. I would spend more time at her house than at my own home. Sometimes I would have my parents drop me off where I would lie to them that I need to study or she needs help with homework. Sometimes Jane and Julia would come over and we would have a girl's sleep over. 

I remember Angel told me that her aunt didn't want me to come over as much, but only the weekend. Her aunt must've thought I was a distraction for her, but in reality I was helping her when she needed me the most until she started dating Jon. Jon was a year older than us which means he already graduated at IHS, but still came around the school campus. 

Jon was 5'6, Asian, had spiky hair, smokes and dress like a skater boy. He was always nice to me, but wasn't towards Angel. Ever since they started dating, he was being emotionally and mentally abusive to her, always drinking, and aggressive with her. I couldn't protect her because Jon was someone you didn't want to mess with. Also Angel didn't want no one to get involved in her relationship issues.

Sometimes we would hang out at Jon's place. He lived in a two story home that had Asian furniture everywhere in the house which was nice. His parents made really good money and even bought him a car that he wanted. Fucking spoil little brat. His younger sister was the good one. She had her own job, was very artistic, and had a boyfriend at the time. She even goes to the same school as us. 

I started liking Jon's cousin who was a year younger than me. Let's call him Chase. I met Chase on my birthday. Funny story it was raining at school where Jon pick us girls up. It was me, Jane, Angel, and another girl name Mindy. Going in the car, I notice someone was sitting on the passenger side. 

Jon said," Oh this is my cousin Chase."

I said," I'm Loraine birthday girl. Nice to meet you." 

Jane said," I'm Jane."

Mindy said," Hello I'm Mindy."

Chase turned around to look as us girls. 

Chase said," Happy birthday Loraine...and nice to meet you girls." 

Angel said," Hey Chase. How are you?"

Chase said," I'm good. Same o Same o."

Angel already knew Chase before us since she was dating Jon. 

I forgot what we did that day since it happened over 12 years go, but I started liking Chase. We exchange numbers and would see each other everyday at Jon's house. I didn't have a car and a driver license where we couldn't make plans together. I would suggest here and there, but he usually make excuses that he had something else to do. I found out later from Angel that he dated this girl at our school. Let's call her Maria. I guess they were in a relationship for two years until Maria broke up with Chase. 

He was still going through his breakup where I try to comfort him as a friend, but I wanted more. I remember we were at Jon's house just hanging out in the living room, but Chase was in the guest room resting his eyes. I was concern over Chase.

I said," Let me check on Chase."

Angel said," He's fine. He's just tired. Leave him alone."

Jane and Jon didn't say anything. We were playing some card games for a few minutes until the game ended, I got up and walk towards the guest room. I went in the room and say Chase laying down on the bed. I went to go lay next to him where his back was facing me. 

I said," Are you okay Chase?"

Chase said," My head hurts."

I said," Are you hungry? I can cook something for you for your head."

He said," I'm okay. I just want to lay down."

I wrapped my arms around him to comfort him. All of a sudden he turned around to face me where we were looking at each other really intimate. Then he lean in to kiss me where we were making out. While we were doing that I can hear Angel and Jon arguing in the living room because Angel was overly protective and knows how Chase is..a player. She even try opening the door, but I can hear Jon stopping her.

I was into our kissing and didn't bother what was going on outside of that door. Chase started working down towards my neck licking and kissing it. Then his left hand reached down my pants.

I said," No Chase. I'm a virgin." where I stopped his hands.

He leaned in to kiss me some more where I can feel my heart beating fast. I let go of his hands where he insert his finger inside of my tight pussy and started thrusting back and forth. I was so dry where I was groaning in pain. 

I said," Chase, it hurts. I don't like it."

He said," Don't worry. It will fell good soon."

I try to bare the pain for a few minutes, but I couldn't.

I said," It hurts too much, please stop Chase." 

I started crying where he immediately stop. He leaned in to kiss my forehead and hold me until I calm down. 

He said," I'm sorry Loraine." 

- To be Continued in Part 5

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