Pop my Cherry

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I was dating again after a few years. Things were going great between me and Vincent. We would see each other at school and go to his house to spend some time together. I mean We would make out, fondle up each other, and dry hump build up our connection to one another, but I didn't want to have sex with him yet because I was a virgin.

I told him that I was which by surprise he waited for me. We were dating for a few months where I met his parents, his two sisters, and his little niece and nephew. I celebrated Thanksgiving with my family while he celebrated with his family. My sisters and I decided to go shopping the next day for Black Friday. Since I was working, I knew how to save money. The next day, we woke up around 5AM to go on a shopping spree.

We decided to go to Walmart first. When we arrive, there wasn't that much people which we went in line close to the entrance. Since Walmart doesn't open until 6AM, we huddle together since it was cold outside. Then more people started coming in the line and finally the doors were opened. Everyone was pushing and running in the store. While my sisters and I started running too. We grab everything that we needed in the cart and waited in line to pay for our stuff.

We finally got out of that warzone and next stop was to the Target store. Now this one we had to wait an even longer line since they didn't open till 8 or 9AM. The line looped around the other side of the shopping center. Since there was a coffee shop that open, we went inside to grab some coffee and breakfast since we didn't have anything to eat. Then we walk back outside until the line started moving. It took an hour for us to get into the store, but it was more well organized in there than Walmart.

We grab what we need and went home after that. We were so tired, but I slept in since I knew I had work the next day. It was crazy busy around the holidays at the restaurant. I had to get there at 6AM and my shift didn't end until 1AM. The beauty of working on holidays. Vincent would come over to visit me too at my house. I remember he came over one night, we sat down on the couch next to each other while my dad was in the living room using the computer.

I had a blanket over me because I was cold then Vincent decided to finger me. My body froze up because my dad is right there in front of me. 

I whisper in his ear," What are you doing? Stop it."

He just kept quiet and continue finger me where I try so hard not to moan. Then he finally stopped. Vincent left home while I was hungry for him. My birthday was around the corner, but I decided to go clubbing with my girls while Vincent stayed at home. We were partying and dancing until we were tired. 

We were dating for a couple of months and just around the corner was Vincent's birthday. He invited his close friends while I brought my girls with me to his house. The good thing was that his parents weren't home, but one of his sister and kids were home so she can supervise birthday boy. We were drinking, listening to loud music, and having a great time together.

He didn't invite a lot of people, but we still had fun. We hung out in the kitchen area until he started getting drunk. I had to drag him upstairs to his room and flopped him on the bed. Since birthday boy went to bed, everyone decided to leave one by one. I stayed behind to clean up and take care of him.

I went back upstairs and lay next to him. We started making out and I knew what would be the perfect birthday present for him, my virtue. I trusted him enough to have him be my first.

I said," Babe, I want you to be my first."

He looked at me with his drunk face and said," Are you sure, I can wait if you aren't ready."

I answered," I'm sure."

We went back making out some more and started taking off each other's clothes. He would eat my tight wet pussy and finger me. I would reciprocate by giving him a blowjob but he would stop me because he was about to cum soon. He went to go grab a condom, put it on, and went to go climb on top of me. He didn't want to hurt me so, he slowly insert his penis inside of me until he finally went all the way in. 

Then he started thrusting his hips back and forth while I try my hardest to bare the pain. It fucking hurts. A few minutes passed where he finally set me free when he came. We both went inside the bathroom to take a shower together. He turned on the light in the bathroom when I realized a string of blood was running down my legs. 

I said," Oh my god, I'm bleeding."

He looked at me and help me clean up my blood. So sweet of him. We both hop in the shower for a few minutes and went into the bedroom. We change our clothes and went to bed. From then on, I started coming over to his place every single day to fuck him. I bet his family grew tired of him, but they never said anything. 

The one thing about Vincent is that he would cum fast. I would get frustrated and leave. Since he knew that was happening he just let me ride him until I cum all over his dick. Of course each time we had sex, we always use condoms. We were dating for over 8 months until he decided to send me a text that he wanted to break up with me. 

I was at Angel's house crying to her about what he did. She was comforting me. I wanted an explanation in person, so he told me to meet him up in person by a nearby park. I park the car next to his car. We both got out of the car. He lean against his car while I lean against my car.

I said," Why are you breaking up with me?"

He said," I can't handle your monthly tantrums. You are always yelling at me, we would fight, and I just don't like it."

I said," That can't be it. Did you go get yourself another bitch or something. Is that why huh."

He answer," That's not it babe. I think it's best we went out separate ways."

He reached in to hug me while I was crying.

He said," Everything will be okay. It's for the best. We can still be friends?"

I said," But I don't want to be friends. I love you Vincent."

He said," I do too, but it's for the best. But I have to leave since I need to get ready for work, okay."

He left while I went back in my car and cried even harder. I finally stop and drove back to Angel's house where she comfort me some more.

Angel said," He's such an asshole. I swear if I ever see him, I'll punch him in the face."

I said," He's not even worth it Angel. Just stop it."

A few months later I found out he started dating his first cousin best friend. I was more heartbroken because I met her a few times. She wasn't even pretty at all and was way bigger than me. After these years he is still with her. Good luck to her because he only last a minute. 

- To be Continued in Part 15

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