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I got woke up by my alarm around 5AM. Went to brush my teeth, wash my face and change my clothes. I wore my senior shirt that was yellow which says the Seniors in big word that includes class of 2010 on the bottom, with dark blue jeans and my famous big sunglasses. I woke up my mom to drop me off from school. I met up with Jane, Angel, and a few more of my friends. We all sat down on the bleachers near the football court to watch the sunrise come out. 

When the sun was coming out, I remember making a wish. I took a photo afterwards of the sunrise and starting taking more photos of my friends together making memories. We went back to class as usual and during lunch period, everyone decides to head back near the outside basketball court and realize everyone was using chalk to sign their name or provide a message on the ground. My friends and I were done and decided to lounge around the school until school was over.

We went back to the football field to take some more photos showing the sunset, write yearbooks, until it was getting dark. We didn't want to go home yet, so we all decided to take a few cars to head to IHop to eat dinner there. I remember we were in Dillan's friend car where the car was so full that Angel decided to put her small body to sit down in that small space on the passenger seat. Adrian was sitting on the passenger seat while we were all laughing at Angel.

Luckily IHop wasn't too far from the school. It was a good 5 minute drive. We arrive and got out of the car and head to I hop. It was a group of 12 high schools kids busting in the restaurant. It was slightly busy, but we were able to get a table quickly. We order some food, talk, and had more laughs. I miss them. My good friends who I had so memories with our innocence self. 

A week later, it was time to get ready for graduation day. I was at home getting ready which I wore a teal strapless dress with some tennis shoes. I did not want to wear heels because I don't want to fall flat down on my face. My parents drop me off early so I can get ready. My family will show up later since it doesn't start around 5pm I believe. I met up with all my friends, hug them, and congratulate them too.

I remember I paid my cap and gown at the beginning of the school year. My friends and them had their cap and gown besides me, so I walk up to one of the students who was assisting handling out the cap and gown. 

I said," I'm here for my cap and gown."

He said," What's your last name?"

I said," Hill, please."

He was looking through the boxes and stopped.

He said," I can't find it. Did you make sure you bought it?"

I said," I'm pretty sure I bought it at the beginning of the school year. It's should be there."

He double check the list and everything.

He said," You know what. It's okay. Here you go."

He hand me a plastic bag that had cap, gown, and a yellow string.

I said," Thank you."

He said," Your welcome."

I walked back to my group of friends and told them the news. They all hug and were excited that I got one. We took more photos with us all in the the gown. We took a group picture together. We hung out for another hour until it was time for us to get in line in orderly with our last names inside the school. My school already got everything all prepare for our graduation on the football field. White chairs lined up and a small stage. 

We were walking outside towards the football field and it was sprinkling outside already. We still had to continue this until the end. Everyone sat down on the chairs and luckily enough our caps were our mini umbrellas. We did the national anthem, sat back down, and had the smart seniors do their speech, and a few teachers too. It was time to call our names and hand out our diplomas. 

Everyone else name were getting called where friends and family were cheering for them. Then it was my row to get up, form a line towards the front near the stage. I can feel my nerves kicking in so hard. A few students were ahead of me until it was my turn.

The principal said," Loraine Hill!"

I walk up the stage and heard my friends and family cheering for me. I shook hands with the principal and he hand my diploma to me. I paused for a few seconds where a photographer was taking our photo. I walk back in line until they call everyone their names. 

One of the honor roll student was finishing up her speech and said," Everyone we did it! Class of 2010!!"

Everyone got up and started throwing their caps up in the air cheering and screaming. You can hear the family and friends cheering, screaming, clapping so loud. Then everyone had to pick up their lost caps and we walk back inside the school. We were settling in the gym waiting for our families and friends to come over and cheer to congratulate us. Then I saw my mom and a few siblings walking towards me.

My family congratulated me and hug me. We hung out for a bit and I saw Jon and Chase coming in one of the doors to congratulate us. It was weird, but at the same time I was happy. I hug them and we stay in the gym for a little bit longer until I saw and hug all of my friends to congratulate them too. Then my family and I walked out to their car so that we can go out and eat.

My high school years were over! Senior year was the best time of my life. I did everything during that school year where I would never forget those precious memories that I had. Sometimes I miss them. My good old friends who I no longer have in my life. 

- To be Continued in Part 9

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