First Job

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Since I was still going to my culinary school, I wanted to find a job to pay off this damn student loan. I literally apply everywhere at all type fast food restaurants to customer service, even at clothing stores. I have a high school diploma but had no experience which is probably why they didn't want to hire me. I was struggling so my last resort is to go on Craigslist to find a job.

I was scrolling around and reading all types of job offer until I saw  $400 per week. I clicked on it and read the description where you sell vacuums and will get paid per week. It also had their phone number on there so I decided to call them. 

Ring Ring.

A lady answer," Hello this is Kirby vacuums. How may I help you?"

I said," Hi my name is Loraine. I saw your guy's ad on Craigslist and was wondering if you guys were hiring."

She answer," Oh yes we are. All you have to do is provide a resume and fill out the application in office. Are you able to come in tomorrow since we do have an open interview orientation at 3PM?"

I said," Yes, I would be there. What's your address?"

She gave me the address and I was super excited. The next day I still went to school, got off at 2PM and was pick up by my mother. I already look up the location which it was a good 20 minute drive from the school. We drove there and notice a few people standing outside in professional clothes on. I was kind of nervous because I don't think I'm going to get the job, but still had my hopes up. 

I told my mother to wait inside the car since it wasn't going to be that long. I walked inside the building where I saw the front desk. A lady came up to me to introduce herself and had me an application to fill out. She told me to go through these two doors where they are going to start the ceremony soon. I walk in and saw over 20 people sitting down in front of a screen projector. I sat down in the back next to the two doors so that it can be easier for me to leave. I was filling out the application before they start the ceremony and gave back it back to the same lady from earlier. 

I went back inside and sat down. Then the projector came on where a tall old white guy came in to introduce himself.

He said," Hi my name is Michael. I've been working for Kirby for over 10 years. I love it and I hope I can be a good mentor for you guys."

His speech lasted for an hour where I was dozing off throughout the whole entire time. I mean come on I already had a long morning especially being in class for over 5 hours. After he was done, he wanted to tell us something. 

Michael said," I'm sorry that was a long speech, but the ones who are sitting down right now, you guys are hired!"

Everyone started clapping and cheering. I was in shock with a big smile on my face. 

"This can't be happening right?" I thought. " Am I dreaming?" 

Then the guy told us to introduce ourselves one by one.  I already have stage fright, but I had to be brave and confident to do this. Then it was my turn.

I said," Hi everyone. My name is Loraine. I've been struggling to find a job..." I was getting teary.

Michael said," It's okay..."

I continued saying," I'm just happy you guys accepted me and I won't let you guys down."

Everyone clapped their hands. Some stay while others left. I left and told my mother the news. We both were happy. My shift didn't start until 12PM which I had to tell my teacher about my work schedule. The next day, I told my teacher that I was starting work and he told me that I'm able to take the early morning classes since it starts from 6AM-11AM. He was sad that I wasn't going to show up to his class due to my work schedule. 

I would wake up by 5, get ready, and ask my mother to drop me off at school. After I get pick up from school, I get dropped off at work to start my shift. I walked out of the car and notice a few people outside going into each other cars. I got closer where I saw Michael.

I said," What's going on Michael?"

He said," From now on, you are going to be in our group okay Loraine."

I said," Are we going somewhere?"

He said," San Francisco."

I said," I don't even have a car or a driver license. How am I going to drive there Michael."

He said," That's okay. You can join us which we will be taking Kyle's van over there." 

He was pointing at the van and I looked up. It was dark brown and pretty beat up looking.

"Are you fucking kidding me! I have to be in that ugly as van." I thought. 

There were 7 of us in that van. I sat all the way in the back by myself. I felt like I made the wrong decision to work there. It took a few hours to reach out destination. We would park the van into a neighborhood area. Michael told us that he would stay in the van since the Kirby vacuum was in the trunk.  I had a partner, let's call him Jason. Jason was 29 years old, little geeky, 5'7, but was really funny. 

Jason and I would go door to door to talk about the product. If someone like the product, Jason would call Michael to drive by the house and Jason would do all the talking since I was shadowing to learn. We would walk around for a few hours until it was lunch time. We would stop by a fast food restaurant to eat and go back to do the same again. We were out there for over 10 hours. It was already getting late by the time we came back in town. 

I would call someone to pick me up around 11 at night. Of course my parents weren't too happy about it. This was going on over two weeks. Sometimes we even have short work hours which I usually look forward to those. I realize that my company wasn't paying me weekly like they promise. The following day, I finish my class and went into work. 

I saw Michael and said," Hey Michael. Why am I not getting paid? You guys said on the ad that I was suppose to get paid $400 weekly. What's going on?"

He said," There is a misunderstanding here Loraine. You have to make two sells a day or more for us to pay you, okay?"

I said," If you don't pay me now, I'm going to quit."

He said," Alright now Loraine. I'll pay you $100 today. How does that sound?"

I felt relieved and said," Yeah that's fine."

Michael said," Hey Ginger, come here."

Ginger said," Yes Michael."

Michael leaned into Ginger's ear and said," Can you print out a $100 check for Loraine."

Ginger said," Okay. Follow me Loraine."

I followed her where she lead me into an office. She went on the computer while I waited. Then I heard the printer printing something. Ginger hand me the check.

She said," Here you go."

I said, " Thank you so much!" with a big smile.

I put the check in my pocket and went to do my 10 hour shift again. The next day I didn't show up to work. I got my money and continue my normal hour class from 9AM-2PM. 

- To be Continued in Part 12

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