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Before I move along with my story I want to talk about Jane and Julia. Let's start with Jane first. Jane is 4'9, Vietnamese, wear glasses too, and has always been a good girl. She lived in Sacramento all her life. She is the youngest out of 7 children and still live with her parents. I met Jane freshman year in high school in history class. I've always admire how smart she was because sometimes we would have to be in groups to solve certain questions or know curtains about history. 

We would get along and be friendly acquaintances. I had my own group of friends while she had her own groups of friends that she have known since middle school. It's crazy how we even became best friends thanks to Angel. I wasn't as close with Jane because she was more quiet and to herself while I on the other hand would  be the loud, crazy, and obnoxious person to hand around with. 

Still though, we all hung out together and became really close. Then Jane started growing feelings towards Chase. He's Jon's cousin that finger me remember guys. She kind of kept it to herself but it was so obvious. I mean she started talking to Chase more and they would flirt together. She knew I liked him, but I kept my mouth shut because we weren't dating and the fact I didn't want to ruin my friendship over some guy.

Of course I would bitch and complain to Angel and Julia but they tell me the same thing, they are just friends and that's just how Chase is a total flirt. Until one day, we were hanging out at one of their cousin's house. We were drinking and hanging outside by a bomb fire. Chase and Jane decided to go inside the house leaving the rest of us behind. I thought it was nothing going on because she probably needed help or something. They were gone for a while where us girls started getting worried. 

Angel said," I'm going to check up on Jane."

Julia and I said," Okay!"

I was still sitting down hanging out with Julia drinking, dancing, and talking. Then I saw Chase came outside looking slumped.

Julia said," What did you do Chase?!"

We started rushing to go inside the house to look for Jane. We saw Angel holding Jane while she was crying. My instincts kicked in where I knew she slept with Chase, but as a good friend I denied it. 

I said," Is everything okay?"

Angel said," Yeah, she's okay. She's just going through a lot."

Angel walked out where I decided to comfort Jane. I was holding her and she was still crying.

Jane said," I'm sorry Loraine."

I said," Why are you sorry for. If you are going through a lot, just tell me."

Julia came in to try to comfort her too. Then Angel came back inside.

Angel said," I got her girls. She just wants to be left alone."

Julia and I walked out of the room where we went back outside to hang out some more with Chase and Jon. Julia knew what was going on but try to play it off by having some more fun with me until I wanted to go home.

I said," Hey Julia, I'm getting tired. Can you take me home?"

Julia said, " Sure love. Bye boys!"

I hug Chase and Jon. I went back inside to tell Angel and Jane that I'm going home. Throughout the whole ride I was really quiet. After that we didn't bring it up what happened but a week later we were hanging out at Julia's house one night where her uncle came over to visit her. 

Before I continue this story. Let me tell you something about Julia so that everything makes all sense. As I said back in Junior year of high school is where I met Julia from Angel. Angel was the one who introduce me to her. Julia was born in Fresno and was raise by a single mother. She is the second oldest out of the five children and was raise by a single mother. Her parents got divorced because her dad was abusive to her mother for over 20 years.

When I met Julia, she had this bubbly personality but was a badass. She was her own fashion designer. I truly admire her artistry because she reminded me of my older sister. She has a big heart, but tend to get used all the time by men. She's not the only one who had that issue. Angel did too. I mean come on she was dating Jon who mentally and emotionally abuse her. Funny thing at the time Julia was dating a mixed Asian guy. Found out later he was my distant cousin from my mom side. Super small world right?  

Now let's go back to the story where Julia's uncle stop by to visit. When we all saw him, he looked young. Angel already knew him, but Jane and I didn't know him that well. He hung out with us for a bit and introduced himself. Let's call him Jack.

Jack said," Hey guy. My name is Jack. It's nice to meet you guys." waving hi to us.

I said," Wait, how old is your uncle Julia?"

Julia said," Oh he's only a year older than us. Yeah that's my mother's  younger brother."

Jane and I gasp.

I said," What! You got to be kidding me. You have a young uncle!"

Julia said," Trust me. We would fight all the time when we were younger. I treat him more like a brother than an uncle."

We all started laughing. We hung out, drank, and get to know one another, but I notice Jack was interested in talking to Jane. They were flirting and even exchange phone numbers. That was cute. I mean Julia's uncle was cute. He wasn't my type because he was too short for me. A few weeks later, I found out Jane and Jack were dating. He eventually ask her out when they went on a Masquerade Ball together. 

- To be Continued in Part 11

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