Driver License

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I had the best time of my life being at Le Cordon Bleu College of Culinary arts. There was a total of 6 classes with different chef to assist us in the classroom. I learn how to cook really fancy dishes and eat the food at then end of the day. It was so much fun. We would work in groups or solo depending on the assignment. The only thing I didn't like was going home where I smell like food.

One day, I had the worst bad luck ever. I just bought a new camera and I wanted to use it to take photos in class. I was excited and showing it off to Fabio and Katrina. In class I would take a few photos of the dishes that I made that day and put it back in my backpack. Class ended where my sister wanted to come pick me up from school.

She drove her baby daddy's black F150 that had big wheels. I felt embarrassed when she pulled up to pick me up. Everyone was in awww. I said bye to Fabio and Katrina. My sister told me she needed to get something at Walmart, so we drove there and left my things inside the car. My sister made sure she lock the car before we head inside the store. We weren't gone for that long and when I went inside, I notice my bag of utensils and backpack was gone! 

I said," Bianca, my stuff is gone! Someone stole it!"

She said," What?! Are you serious!"

I was panicking and had almost had a heart attack. My sister didn't want to call 911 so she walked back inside Walmart to check if they had camera's. She came back outside with an employee. 

The employee check around and said," Oh yeah, I'm sorry but since this is a blind spot, we don't have a camera set up hitting this direction. I'm sorry."

Bianca said," Are you serious? My sister stuff got stolen and you guy's don't have a security guard or anyone to watch the store area?!"

I said," Let's just go home. I'll figure out something. Thank you though."'

The employee walk back inside and we went inside the car.

Bianca said," Loraine, don't worry. I'll help you out pay for the bag of knives, okay."

I said," I don't even know how much it's worth because those tools are expensive Bianca."

Bianca answered," It okay. It's my fault my alarm didn't go off and your stuff got stolen."

I said," I felt so stupid for bringing my camera with me."

 I started crying where my sister try to comfort me. I told my family about it and I cried all night. The next morning, I felt bummed because my camera was expensive and I had to come out of pocket to pay for another bag of utensils. My sister came along with me so she can help me pay for the utensils. I went in to my teacher's office and told him everything. 

Mr. Smith said," I'm sorry to hear about that. Let me see what I can do."

He walked out for a few minutes and came back with another bag of utensils. 

I said," My sister is here with me since she's going to pay for it."

He said," Don't worry about it. We will give it to you for free."

I said," You sure?"

He said," I'm sure. Well go back to class okay."

Bianca and I thanked him. We walked out and started talking.

I said," Well it's a good thing you don't have to spend your money today."

Bianca said," I know. I'm so happy, but I'm glad they were able to get that taken care of for you."

I said," I know."

I said goodbye to Bianca and went back inside the classroom to continue the class. The only people who knew I had that camera were my classmates. I noticed when they heard the news some of my classmates who are around my age looked frantic. I glared at them and they looked away, but the one thing is that I had no proof. I'm not going to let that stop me to do what I needed to do. 

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