School Trip

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The talent show was coming up within a month. Angel's dance group weren't going to be in it, so us girls decided to sign up for the show. Angel and I were the one who had to come up with the dance and mix CD. We would invite more friends and go practice any chance we can get. We even came up with a name for the group called UDC" Unique Dance Crew". So cliché right? So a month has passed by where it was the D-Day of the show. 

I remember during lunch period, I was sitting down with my girls talking about the show and making sure they were all good and ready. Then I saw Irene walking towards the group.

Irene said," I'm sorry to tell you this, but I'm not going to be in the Talent show."

I got up and said," Are you fucking kidding me right now? All that practice we did together and you are just going to bounce out. You know we need you and if one person is missing from the dance, it's going to look weird."

She said," I know, but I just decided that I didn't want to do it."

We were arguing back and forth where everyone was staring and even the custodians didn't stop us either. 

I said," Forget Irene. If you don't want to do it. I can't stop you. Come on girls, we need to set up a new formation now that Irene is out."

Irene said," Even if I'm not going to be there. I'll still come and see you guys there."

I was just done with her. We all got up to our usual spot to practice our dance and make a new formation. Nothing change, but we had to adjust a little bit. I mean we weren't professionals or anything. Just wanted to dance and have fun at the Talent show. All of us stayed after school to practice some more behind the theater room. We even had our own dress code. Comfy clothes with stripe socks. 

A few people were ahead of us showing their talent until it was our turn. I haven't got on up a real stage since my sister's fashion show back in 2007. Then our group was called. Us girls were getting ready and were all nervous. We walked up the stage and saw a big crowd of audience including our friends cheering for us. The lights stage was flashing towards us, we were in formation, and the music start. We were dancing until it ended. The crowd went crazy for us and it was something I never felt before, joy.

We went back behind the theater stage and were cheering and hug each other that it was finally over. We decided to sit back with the audience to watch the rest of the show. It was so much fun. A month later, we were asked to do our dance for the Rally which we were excited to do in front of the whole school. We met up together at the Rally and sat down together in the front on the floor in the indoor basketball court. 

We were all nervous because it's the whole school looking at us. There was someone who sang the national anthem, the cheerleaders show their cheerleading, and the football team of all grades were cheering. Then it was our turn to get up to go in the middle of the basketball court and start our dance. The music played, we were dancing for a few minutes and then the music cut got off in the middle of our dance. 

They couldn't figure out to play the music again, you can the the everyone on the bleachers cheering for us, and we all ran towards the principal.

I said," What's going on, can't you guys play the music back on?"

The principal looked frantic and said," I don't know what's going on, but I'll fix it."

It took them a few minutes and they couldn't figure it out. I think someone didn't like us and decided to not let us finish our dance routine. My girls and I still went in the middle of the basketball court having the crowd cheer for us even though we didn't finish our dance and then we walk back towards where we were sitting at until the rally was over. 

A few months passed by where it was time for our senior trip to Los Angeles. It was a 3 days and 2 nights for Disneyland which includes a trip to the beach and a rented hotel. It wasn't free of course. My brother claimed me for his income tax and gave me $500 to pay for the trip. To get there the school rented out a few big buses and told us to arrive back to the school campus around 6AM. The night before I pack a big suitcase and was ready to go. The next morning, I woke up my mother early and we drove to IHS. 

My mother drop me off and I was calling Jane and Angel to meet up. We sat in the same bus and were were on our way to L.A. Everyone look tired and haggard during the drive. We did took a few pep stops on the way to make sure the students use the restroom and go back on the road. 

- To be Continued in Part 7

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