First Car

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This was the time around where income tax seasons are for people who has a job and they get their money back for paying taxes to the government. Bianca told me she wanted to use her money to buy me a new car. When she told me, I was delighted and excited. That woman can be crazy sometimes because she had a small bag of money full of cash.

My dad, Bianca, and I went together in the 4runner and drove into an area where there were a lot of dealerships. I remember it was really hot that day. We parked into a dealership and walk around to look at a few cars. An old guy was walking towards us where we all looked at him.

He said," Hello. How can I help you today? Find anything that you like?"

Bianca said," We are just looking around until we find one what we like."

He answered," Okay, just let me know. I'll be in my office."

I said," Thank you."

He walk back inside the office while we were looking around. There were some used cars, nice cars, and pretty beat up cars. I had my dad to tag a long with me while I test drove a few cars. We went inside the office where I sat on one of the lounge chair where my dad and Bianca were negotiating with the owner. It sucks because I didn't get to choose which car I wanted since it wasn't my money.

I really wanted the black Honda civic or was it an Acura. I forgot. They were finally done negotiating and he gave Bianca the keys. 

She walked over to me and said," Here's the key to your new car."

She hand it to me and I was excited!

We walked out and I realize it was the dark green 1993 Toyota Camry. It had a bad smell in the car with a slightly bad A/C. I didn't care because it was my first car. My dad chose to drive the car while I sit in the passenger side. Bianca drove the 4runner. We all went back home and from there on I was using that car to drive to school everyday. 

I would drive to the club, hang out with friends, and family. It feels nice to have a car where you don't need to rely on anyone. Things were looking up for me. I love my car where I took really good care of it. The great thing about it is that my dad used to be a mechanic so I would have him change my oil and check to see if there was anything wrong with it. He always tells me to change the oil filter and oil twice a year.

After 9 months of culinary school, I graduated! Yay! I got my certificate and even had an intern at a restaurant in old Sacramento. The restaurant was called Fat's Old City Bar and Cafe. Things were going well for me interning there for 3 months doing catering, prepping, and learning to cook. 

I was able to be hire permanently which I was happy about it. My shift would switch off sometimes. Sometimes I work in the early morning or during the night shift. Working in the kitchen was really hard and difficult when it gets busy. I was friendly to all my coworkers where I started liking one of them. Let's call him Marvin. He was 25, Mexican, and had a bit of weight on him.

I would flirt and talk to him when it's slow at the restaurant. Everyone knew I liked him, then one day one of the server told me something. 

She said," You know he's married right?"

I said," NO! Omg. He didn't tell me he was married!"

So I went up to him and said," Marvin, how come you didn't tell me you were married? You knew I was showing interested in you."

He said," Yes...I'm sorry for not telling you, but we can still hang out sometimes."

I said," I'm sorry, but I don't talk to married man."

I continued to keep my distance from him from then on. I decided to go into college to continue my education more. I signed up at American River college, got my books, and had my school schedule. I was working, going to college, and even taking care of my family all at once. Angel and Jane were going to that same college too which makes things a lot more easier for me.

I remember this guy would be around Angel a lot. I mean I already knew who he was. He used to go to IHS, but I wasn't close to him. Let's call him Vincent. He was half white and half Vietnamese, 5'4, and nerdy. Since we started hanging out together at school for the next few months and I started liking him more. Then he came up to me and pop the question.

Victor said," Hey Loraine, would you go out with me?"

I looked at him and said," Yes Vincent, I would love to."

- To be Continued in Part 14

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