Unexpected Friendship

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The next morning, I went to school and waited for Chris before class started. I didn't see him during his usual drop off or any of his classes. It's like he was avoiding me or something. A few classes later, I was going upstairs to my class and saw Chris with his two friends. I ran towards him and pulled his shirt towards me. 

"Why the fuck did you  break up with me, huh" I said angrily. 

Chris said, " You force me to date you but now I don't want to."

I was confused and angrily said," If you didn't want to date me, you could've just told me instead of wasting my fucking time asshole!"

I let go of his shirt and pushed him where he almost fell down on the ground, but one of his friends catch him on time. I walked back to my class all angry. I thought I would stop talking to him, but instead his charm made me continue seeing him. I would go to his football games, we would flirt, make out, and hang out him around his friends. I knew he wanted to have sex with me, but I didn't want to. 

The more he pushed, the more I pulled back. Then I started getting tired of his nonsense and completely stop talking to him. We went on our separate ways.  Angel and Jane were happy that I finally got rid of him. 

Throughout all that struggle that I was going through with Chris, Dillan was also there listening to my nonsense. He was really a good friend, but there was one thing. I had a huge crush on him for the longest time but never told him. During the beginning of senior year, girls were asking him out left and right. He was sure a big shot and had some girls attention alright. I remember this girl that he was talking to let's call her Melody. 

She was black, thick, and pretty. But the thing was, she was obsessive over Dillan. I guess he fucked her, they stay friends, but she cannot let go of him at all. I would bitch at him all the time because she was crazy. He doesn't listen to me and still continue to talk to her. He was making me jealous, but what can I do when we're just friends. 

Dillan totally friend zoned me throughout all these years, but I move on real quickly. Dillan and I were still continue being friends. One day, Adrian who is a good friend of mine, we both were chilling in English class since he sat to me. I totally forgot that Claudia chick had the same class as us, but we rarely talk to her.  She sat a few desk in front of us and Adrian decides to whisper something to me. 

Adrian whisper," Hey Loraine. You see Claudia over there."

I said," What about her?"

He said," I have a crush on her."

I said," Why her. I think she fuck Chris from that one time remember."

He said," I know. But I'm too shy to talk to her."

I said," At least try."

Class ended. For the next few days Adrian wouldn't shut up about her. While walking to our English class we notice Claudia standing on the side of the wall holding her books.

Adrian said," There's Claudia." walking behind me feeling shy. 

I got the courage and started walking towards her. 

Adrian said," No..Loraine..Stop...." He try to stop me, but it was too late. 

I said," Hey Claudia. Remember me. We met each other at the bleachers for Chris's football game.'

She looked at me and said," I remember, Loraine right?"

I said, "Yes. Here I want you to meet Adrian. He's one of my good friend." I grabbed him from his shirt and push him towards her.

He shyly said," Hey Claudia. It's nice to meet you."

We all started laughing. Afterwards we began to hang out more often. I should thank Adrian for giving me a chance to talk to her because in the end we became unexpected good friends. Eventually Claudia and I found out later we were talking to Chris at the same time. 

I said," I can't believe it. What a small fucking world."

She said," I know. I can't believe I had sex with him. I had him use me like that. I feel so dirty."

I said," No, you're not. You deserve someone so much more better than him. Hey you never know someone might just come along."

We both started laughing. I started introducing Angel and Jane to Claudia. Eventually we all become friends and started hanging together.  

A few months later, Adrian and I were waiting for our English class and I notice Claudia was walking towards our direction and was holding hands with Devon. He's this tall light skinned guy that has hair dreads, really nice face bone structure, and look like a skater boy. I saw Adrian's face and he was devastated. 

Adrian said," I cannot believe I miss my fucking chance."

I said," Hey, don't feel bad. I bet you on anything they won't even last that long."

It's high school and I was right on the nail. A few weeks later, they broke up. Of course Adrian was happy about it and will try to flirt with Claudia every chance he get, but she was blowing him off. I've known Adrian for a few years and he's a sweet guy. He's tall, dark skinned, skinny, and has a good heart. 

One day I decided to ask Claudia about Adrian. We both had the same lunch period and I was able to catch her with her groups of friends outside in the front of the school. I walk towards her and she notice me. We hug and had a small conversation. 

I said," Hey Claudia. I had to ask what do you think about my friend Adrian."

She said," He's cute, but he's not my type."

I started laughing and said," I know, but he has this crush for you for the longest. Do you want to at least try talking to him and see how things go."

She said," No. I'm not ready for a relationship. I just want to focus on myself."

I said," All good. No pressure, love."

We hug and I went back inside the school to find my friends. It was pretty fucked up what Devon did to Claudia because he dated this midget girl who was a cheerleader. He would go back and forth with her and Claudia. It was pretty toxic. But it was none of business too. 

- To be Continued in Part 4

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