Desireworker of Vengeance

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Some silent steps can be heard, it's 7 am, "Shadow" lost of energy "teleporting" there, so she had to walk by foot. After all she's made of energy, she basically kills herself doing this, luckily she has the ability to get it back... But that didn't matter now, she had to find a way to teleport themselves using that book, without using force.

A blonde girl opened the door of a bedroom and came out, she wiped her eyes, it seems that she just woke up. She was wearing pajamas and was about to head to the bathroom, but made eye contact with the red eyed creature.

-Oh, "Shadow"? Where were you all night and what's with that book in your hand? Please don't tell me you want me to read bedtime stories for you.   Haru laughed 

But the creature remained silent.

-I'm sorry, I didn't mean to make you feel ashamed!! If you want I can read you something-

-No, it's not that... Actually I want to talk with you about something...

-Okay. Just let me change first, I just woke up hehe. Haru went to the bathroom and changed in some home clothes.

-So what it is that you want to tell me? Haru gave a smile

The more "Shadow" saw her, the more she was filled with guilt. Different phrases kept repeating in her mind "I can't do this", "I can't return with an empty hand to the Old Man", "I'm not a good friend...". Was she overthinking? Most likely, not just that, but it seemed like she had the beggining of a panic attack.

-Are you okay? You don't look very well...  Haru placed her hand on "Shadow's" left shoulder

-I'm sorry...

-Huh? Sorry for what-

Erwin came from behind and hugged Haru.

-Morning, Haru-chan~

-Morning... Haru sighed

-Come with me. "Shadow" grabbed Haru's hand and they were gone

-Eeh??! Haru?! Where did they go? Erwin looked around 

-Erwin...? Where is Haru? Stella said, it seems that the little girl just woke up

-I don't know, that "Shadow" thing teleported her and Haru somewhere!?

-HARU IS GONE?! Stella started to panic

-Stella, please tell the other Soulworkers, we need to find Haru wherever she is... Erwin said in a very worried voice


-"Shadow" where are we? Haru asked looking around, at something that looked like a forest

-I had to find a retreated place... She said

-Is it really that important, so you had to teleport us in the middle of nowhere? Haru sighed

-I know what I say now won't repair what I'll do, but... I just say it so you know that I care..

-What do you mean? the girl stared confused at the creature

-Haru, there's something that you need to know about yourself...Your memories have been twisted and you don't remember very clear what happened before the void.

Haru stayed silent and let her continue.

-I'm not sure if... You'll ever be the same after this, but remember that now you're not alone, unlike then... This book that I'm holding right now, holds your long lost memories, it contains everything, it's like a record  of your past life... Please don't hate me for this, if I won't do this, my creator will kill me and I mean kill me for real. This might also be the last time we see each other, because I can't return home after this, I can't face the people that I have betrayed anymore, I can't even stare you in the eyes now, I feel ashamed of myself for what is going to happen, but please remember one more thing, it might help you save yourself from him. You aren't alone now, you have these soulworkers that will keep you company, they'll be there for you whenever you'll need them, especially Erwin, I saw that you two have a very strong bond together, I know that you are strong enough to move on from this tragedy, don't let him  take over your mind! 

Keep That Smile Up, ok? Part 2 (The Stringless Puppet of The Void)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz