Unfairness Is A Deep Cut

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A figure was coming from the distance. They held a dead body in their left hand and walked closer.
-The soulvapor monsters drop is valuable... But this... This humans, they are only for pure entertainment! The tall boy had a psychotic laughter
-Indeed, Erwin, I'm glad you got what I meant. Now, now, we aren't done just yet... Desire Haru, your old partner... I transfered her in this world too, she could be anywhere, we should keep looking. Kent opened his eyes a bit and smiled, like he used to do in the old days
-I still don't get it, why we'll need her in our team? I'm strong enough to bring us victory and fun! I don't need someone like her! Desire Erwin was angered by Kent's words
-Hehehe... Erwin.. I know her potential very well, I worked hard to get a creation like her, you probably don't understand what I'm saying, but I need that desireworker back. Kent demanded
-Fine... But I'm not making any eye contact with her or anything. Desire Erwin turned his back upset
-Aww don't be so upset, we'll all have something to win from this, you'll see at the right time.. I know much more than you think.
And with that, Desire Erwin and Kent went walking around the city looking for Desire Haru.


Stella grabbed "Shadow" 's jacket
-What is it, Stella? "Shadow" was confused
-Do you... Do you think Haru and Erwin will die?
-... No. The shadow wasn't sure herself of her own words, she didn't know what will happen next and if they'll be able to save them... She continued to walk and kept thinking.
Stella bowed her head while walking, she had no idea how to deal with this, she was too young for an experience like this... She didn't want to lose any soulworker, it was like losing a member of the family for her, she wished they could all win together and get through the void all alive...
-Iris... Stella looked at the tall woman in her right
-Yes? Iris asked
-Can I call them from time to time? I wanna know how they're doing... The little girl seemed more worried than usual
-Sure, it's not like I control your phone or anything... Oh yeah, come to think of it... I broke mine, so I'll have to go later to get it fixed... Iris looked at her phone's broken screen
-So we'll have to kill Desire Erwin, Iris? Jin asked her
-Nope, the thing is to stop the control Kent has over him. The real him wouldn't cause this disaster, he actually seemed like a nice guy last time I saw him, I have no idea what has gotten in to him all of a sudden... Iris said
Desire Haru felt a feeling of guilt fill her heart, it hurt, but not just that, it made her feel horrible. If there was no one around her, she probably would've developed a panic attack.
She had to keep walking...
A gun shot was heard from the distance, it went near Desire Haru, but didn't hit her.
She turned her head around.
-Damn it, looks like I missed! Desire Erwin smiled, his red eyes glowed in the distance, a dark shadow covered them, but they flashed through it.
-Erwin...? Desire Haru looked shocked at him, she didn't recognize the man in front of her, it was like a complete different person. He untied his hair, his eyes were red and a weird purple aura flew from him...?
-Long time no sea, haha... I have to say I really missed you, "princess". Desire Erwin frowned a bit, but still smiled
-Erwin... I- she wanted to continue but Desire Erwin stopped her
-You what? You're "sorry"? Sorry, but that won't work with me, you lost your importance for me.  DW Erwin shot her, making her lose balance and fall.
Desire Haru ekeed in pain.
-What? You're not fighting back? How pathetic, looks like you make this not so fun, huh? I'll have to end you then... Desire Erwin positioned his gun on Desire Haru's head
Jin came from behind and charged his fist in Desire Erwin's stomach, making him hit the nearest wall, which cracked after. Some peaces fell from it.
-Are you okay? Let me help you get up! Jin offered his hand
-I'm fine... Desire Haru shaked a bit, but got back on feet
-*sigh* okay, but be more careful and don't let your guard down, remember that this is not the Erwin you know. Kent controls him almost entirely, we might still have a chance to get him back. Jin told her
-Thanks for this, but stop interfering, I can do this alone... Desire Haru looked away
-I'll still keep an eye on the situation. Jin backed away
-Ack... Nice hit, but still not good enough. Desire Erwin got up and cleared some dust from his jacket.
-I didn't plan to hurt you, but you're forcing my hand. Desire Haru drew her weapon and looked him in the eyes
-Sure, bring it on! Desire Haru smirked
Erwin shoot multiple times in Desire Haru's direction, but she dodged each one of them. It tired her up and consumed her energy, she knew she couldn't keep using energy, she had limited energy she could use, after all she had to return in Haru's body. She didn't have to just fight, but keep a track on how much energy she used.
-You look tired... What's wrong, princess? Am I too fast for you? He laughed looking at her with pity
-I'm not your princess!! Desire Haru slashed in his direction so fast, it was impossible to count her hits.
Desire Erwin made it in dodging some, but he got hit some times too.
He spitted some blood.
-Is this all you got? I can take 100 more! He laughed
But Erwin shoot her with a stronger attack than the others. It made her threw up something similar to blood. But since she was just a pile of energy, she didn't actually spit blood.
She fell to the ground, her eyes lost their shine.
-Pfft... I made it! Desire Erwin smiled and grabbed Desire Haru by the collar.
Desire Haru hugged him.
-This really did hurt, Erwin... She frowned
-What are you doing?! Get off me! Desire Erwin tried to push her away, but her grip was to big. And so he could escape, she pinched him with her nails, it was the last strength she had in her.
-Go easy on me, please... I don't havw much power left... Desire Haru looked like she could vanish at any moment
-Why would I?? You hate me! Plus I have to bring you to Kent so I don't ca-
-I... Never... Said I hate.. You. I was mad at you for not apologising... But I don't care about that now, I just realised how important you were to me when I lost you... I'm... I'm sorry... Desire Haru found it hard to speak, her last wish was to make it to Haru's body in time.
-... So... Kent lied to us both... Haru... I-
Desire Haru's leg seemed to... Break?! What?! Like literal break!
-H-Haru what's happening to you?! Erwin's eyes went back to their original emeraldic green
-I... Bring me... To Haru.... I.... I... Desire Hary seemed to lose her voice
-Haru isn't in a good condition either, how can we bring Desire Haru to her now?! Iris said worried
-I... I have a lot of energy, I can donate some to Desire Haru to keep her whole till we reach Haru. Desire Erwin sighed and looked at Haru, who looked dull, it broke his heart, he didn't mean to hurt her in any way.
-Erwin... Desire Haru turned her head to him
-What is it? Desire Erwin said while giving some energy to her
-Did you forgive... Me?
-Yes, but I won't be able to return to Erwin's body yet... I can't break out of Kent's grasp yet... I'm sorry, Haru... He dropped a tear
-W... W-What do you mean?! Erwin?? Desire Haru was shaking
-We... We will see each other... Maybe... Another time, for now, return yourself to Haru's body, I... I'll try to return too... He smiled.... In pain.
The purple energy that was floating around him, seemed to hurt him.... No one knew for what reason exactly.
-Erwin...! Desire Haru cried
But he ran away.
-We don't have time! We must go back to the hospital! The shadow girl teleported them there and then fell on her knees
-Are you okay?! Stella rushed to her
-Sorry... It's just that... This drains some of my HP, I can only use it once in a while... She sighed
Stella turned around to Haru and walked closer to her.
-... I'm sorry you didn't get to speak with Desire Erwin a lot... Stella looked sad
-It's fine, just bring Haru to him next time, I'll get to see him from within her. Tell him... Desire Haru blushed
-What? Stella moved her head in confusion
-Tell him that... I love him. She then covered her whole face, she couldn't believe she just said that out loud.
In her head she swore a million times.
-Awww! Okay, we'll tell him that! Stella grinned
Then Desire Haru dissapeared, she went back inside Haru's body.
It took some minutes but Haru slowly opened her eyes.
-...! Y-yes!! I'm okay! She cried happy tears, she trembled, she just couldn't believe that she was fine, but...
Erwin... Her expression quickly changed to a shocked one when she turned to Erwin.
-Is something wrong, Haru? Stella asked worried
-Erwin!! Haru rushed to him, not carring about the machines that where giving her soulforce and the rest.
-He... Looks so pale... Haru ran her fingers to his hair, then placed a hand on his forehead. Haru's expression was a sad one, one that almost showed tears.
-It's because we couldn't bring Desire Erwin back... It will take more time, but... Erwin will be fine, don't worry way too much... The shadow sighed, she was worried herself
-E... Erwin... Haru's voice was such a heartbreaking one, it made the others sad as well, it spread like a disease. She fell on her knees near his bad and cried on his blanket, taking a grip of it.
-THIS ISN'T FAIR!! Haru yelled in pain

Thank you for reading this chapter! I'm sorry it was a bit too long, but I had to put all this in page or else it wouldn't have made any sense(not like it does anyways), but I'm one of this people that care a lot about details... I know this story breaks your little fragile baby hearts, but if I suffer, you gotta suffer with me =)
There's no way out! Well.... Unless I decide I want to make this chars happy... Lol, not now tho haha.
Gotta reach the perfect moment for that stuff, for now go cry in your pillows, I need to spread my suffering <3

 Gotta reach the perfect moment for that stuff, for now go cry in your pillows, I need to spread my suffering <3

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(dw this book somewhat hurts me too, so you're not lonely).
Tissues as always, can be found here:🧻
Stay safe!
C u! o3o

Keep That Smile Up, ok? Part 2 (The Stringless Puppet of The Void)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя