Drops Of Love

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The soulworkers looked at the girl that was crying with the back turned at them. They just didn't know how to react, but they knew Erwin meant a lot to her, that's something they can be sure of.
Everything that happened till now, seemed to turn the world upside down, not just for Haru, but for every and each one of them.
Kent's plan for them was also enigmatic, they didn't know what he prepared for them, which terrified them to some point.
-I'm sorry, Haru, but this is how things are, at least for now... You should cerish the fact that you are alive, maybe you don't comprehend how important your life is, but you matter a lot! Stella tried to comfort her
-"Happy that I'm alive"?! I'm at the point of losing everything! Back then I lost mom, it terrifies me everyday even though I never show that and now Erwin is still here because of this machines fueling him with soulforce! Haru shouted while bursting into tears
Stella looked dismayed at her. Haru's eyes were red with some lines following them, like she was one time ago when she got mad at the soulworkers, except for Stella.
When she realised what she did, Haru put a hand on her head.
-I apologise for that, Stella... I'm just not feeling well... I feel like things won't ever be the same, I just wish we could've remained the way we were. Haru's expressions was dull, numb, showing no emotion whatsoever.
-But you haven't lost everything yet... We still have time to fix it all. And even if it won't be the same as it was... Stella tought for a second. It'll still be better than being stuck in a terrible enviroment... She told the blonde girl, which made her turn her head to Stella.
-Y...Yes... Haru said quietly
-Do you wanna stay here for a little longer? Iris asked
Haru looked at Erwin, that seemed to struggle with breathing, but it didn't affect him that much.
-I... Will remain here for a bit longer, I want to check how Erwin is doing, I might try to wake him up too... We have to know if he can at least open his eyes.. Haru looked distressed
-Alright... But please don't stay for a very long period, we still have so much more to do before we can end this crisis... Iris said
-Don't worry, it's... Just for an hour I think... She told
Iris nodded and left with the other Soulworkers to ask about Desire Erwin.
Haru found some free space on Erwin's hospital bed and sat down next to him.
Of course, Haru couldn't keep herself and rubbed Erwin's cheeks, than played with his hair... She wished to make him different hairstyles when Erwin will be back on feet. It wasn't known what made her so "romantic", did the desire of pleasure that Desire Erwin donated to Desire Haru went up to her head? Could it really affect her in any way?
For her it was irrelevant, she just wanted to hear his voice again, in her head, there was so much planned for them both, but right now... That wasn't possible...
Haru sighed and layed down facing him. It almost wasn't visible that Erwin was breathing, his face was too white, showed how bad his condition was... She held his hand crying even more than before.
Haru's crying and hand made him wake up.
She heard some squirms and turned to him.
He had his eyes open, not widely, but they were looking at her.
-Ugh... H-Haru? Erwin blushed and realised they were staying on the same bed
-A-A, I'm sorry! Haru moved her hands in a way saying "it's not what you think it is"
She wasn't paying attention and fell from bed on her butt.
-Ow... Haru squeaked in pain
-Haha, It's chill, oh and do you need a hand, maybe? Erwin offered his hand, which Haru took and got up
-It's just that... I didn't expect you to wake up... Haru was worried
-Well... I actually wouldn't have woken up if it wasn't for you, it's tiring staying awake and all you can do is take a peak at the sky... Erwin sighed
-I know you find this difficult, but I also know that we can break through this.... Together. Haru smiled a little
-Ha... Maybe waking up it's worth it, if I get to see you smile. He smiled back
-Pff... I can't wait to have you around again... Haru hugged his head, because it was the least she could reach for
-So what do you wanna do after this ends? Erwin asked curious
-Oh... I really have a lot of things in my mind, I have no idea if we'll be able to do all of them.. But since summer is coming soon... I would like to be taken to the beach. Haru smiled, it was a really happy one
-Hehe... If it's for you, then I can go thousands of miles away from here... I'm sure we'll be able to do all that you've thought of. He smirked
Haru giggled, this conversation rised some spirits for her, even though everything was falling apart in reality, right now, this moment, it was all that mattered.
-Oh? What's that bag? Erwin saw a small yellow bag that sat on a table.
-That? I think Jin brought it here, in case we needed anything. He bought clothes, drinks and even food. Haru explained
-Let me see! Erwin's mouth was wattering, like he didn't see food for over a decade
-Ok... Let me bring it. Haru got the bag and handed it to him
-Pajamas... Apple juices and chips...?
Haru seemed disoriented
-Chips and juice!! Yummy! Erwin shoved his hand in the back and forcefully opened the bag of chips
-Careful, Erwin... We can't make a mess in the hospital room... Haru sighed
-Sorry, I just didn't expect this!
Erwin munched on the chips and drank some juice. He seemed... A little better..? Does food really do magic to soulworkers or was it just Erwin acting like a silly kid?
-I think... I should rest back now... Erwin smiled and was about to close his eyes
-Good night. Haru grinned a little and kissed his cheek
As much as she was worried for him, she wanted to give him lots of love, maybe love is the key to stop everything...

Thanks for reading this chapter! It means a lot to me that people enjoy my work, whether it's a book, drawing or video. It makes me feel like I did a good job! Making people happy(not all of the time, ehem flashbacks to angsty stuff =)) is my favorite job! <3
This chapter wasn't so sad, but don't worry, it will be get worse, for now be happy that they're okay.
I'll make you cry for a good time :D
Stay safe and take care!
Bye bye! :3

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