Shards Of Memories

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(This chapter will present Haru's past from my perspective and the way I think it was back then, none of this is canon, as this is a fanfic, but more originality makes everything better, right? ^^
As Haru is in some kind of comma from her energy being overused, she will have sort of a dream of her past life, before she got her new clothes and hair cut and even before she got to know the other Soulworkers. I'll end Haru's pain soon, please don't worry, I can't hurt my soul baby that much ;-;)

Haru was sitting in her bench, was still writing because she couldn't finish during class, since she payed more attention than writing.
She didn't have many friends, she wasn't very sociable either, but that didn't make her less human, she was smart, pretty, caring and a kind girl who would help anyone that needed it, even people who did bad things to her. Even though many of them forgot or didn't care that she helped them, they were still mean to her, just for their own satisfaction, but they didn't know her personally, didn't know the problems she had at home or what pressed her soul so hard that it could actually shatter it. Yes, Haru's soul was sensible, she could be hurt easily, but as much pain as she got, she always had her head up, she was strong.
Most of her classmates considered her a "nerd" or geek, whatever you call it, so they went past through her, she wasn't for them.
Classmates were talking to each other, then one of them said:
-Ugh the geek girl is writing from the table again, seems that she was too active in class to actually take her lesson. One of them said
They despised her, and for what? Was it for attention or just the pure hatred that blackened their souls? The souls that they never had....
-Pfft, she's studying everyday, answers questions in class and reads books...
-Yuuk, who would like someone like her? They all laughed
-Probably trashcans, you know, trash belongs with the trashcans.
More laughter was heard, but for Haru, there was no sound, she didn't care what others were talking in school breaks.
One of them decided to delete what was written on the table before Haru could finish.
-Hey! I didn't finish yet...
-Too bad, nerd, learn to stop answering questions in class and write more. The group laughed again like before
Haru sighed, they would do anything to make her dreams of becoming a doctor fade, but luckily, there were nice people in that classroom too, one of them decided to send Haru pictures of the lesson after school.....

When Haru arrived home, she saw her mother lying on bed again.
Haru's mother was a middle aged woman, she looked younger than her age and just like her daughter, she had her beauty. She slowly opened her eyes to look at her child.
-Haru..? Oh, you are back, dear, how was school?
-It was... Well.. Don't worry about it, mom, how do you feel? Do you need something? I can cook anything for you. She held her mother's hand and waited for an answer
-Thank you, sweetie... I.. Actually would like a hot soup, I don't want to ask so much from you.
-No, no, mommy, it's fine, if it's for you, I'll... Even put my hand on fire. Haru dropped her bag, and sat down on her knees, near her mom's bed
-Hahaha, don't be silly, you are going a little over the limit with that. Please, a hot soup would be enough, it will also help me improve my health.
-Okay then...
She went in the kitchen, cut all the vegetables needed, prepared the boiling water and started stiring the soup. It took some time for it to be done, but once it was done, she poured some of it in a bowl. It smelled so well, she really did know how to cook.
She went in the living room and handed her mom the bowl of soup.
-Please eat slowly, it's still hot... If you have trouble eating, call my name, I can help you eat. Haru assured her mum
-Thanks, sunshine. Her mother smiled bright
Haru gave the smile back. It warms her heart, seeing her mom grin, because of her illness she hardly smiles and seeing her do it, it makes her feel like her mother is healthy again...
Her phone ringed, she went to check it.
One of her classmates sent her the lesson she couldn't finish.
"Hey, Haru-chan, I wanted to send you this lesson since you couldn't finish it in class! I'm sorry the others are mean to you, if you ever need someone, I'm here ^^."
"Thank you, ***** (insert any name you want, even yours if you want lmao) I really appreciate it, I'm glad that there are nice people left in our class <3"
The image suddenly flashed and became blurry, it felt like Haru was going blind, but actually she entered a different memory.
-Mom!.... Mom...?
Haru looked around in panic, it was that one memory....
-MOM!! she yelled and ran fast to her mom's body, but she was already gone...
-M-mom... P-please... No, no, no, no... I-I-I'll get you back, p-please hang in there! W-we can make it....  Her eyes were watery and her tears fell down her cheeks, her heart was more than hurt, it was shattered.... She kept holding her mom's hand like she once did, she just couldn't believe the person she saw some "minutes" ago was dead in front of her eyes.
A white light filled the room, Haru covered her eyes with one of her hands.

-MOM!! Haru yelled and jumped off the bed
She hit her butt, then placed a hand on her head, it hurt like hell.
-Yo, Haru, chill out, you're home... How do you feel? Erwin asked
-Well I just hit my butt and... She looked around very fast.
-Mom? Mom??!!! Where are you?!
Haru walked around the room searching all around, but there was nothing.
-I'm sorry to tell ya, but it was just a dream... Haru... Do you remember me? Erwin looked hopeless in her eyes, he thought that maybe his lover got some amnesia after all this, anything was possible.
The girl turned around and looked him in the eyes.
-Er... E-Erwin?! She had a shocked expression on her face
Haru hugged him tighter than anyone did ever, she cried on his shoulder, for a moment, in her dream, she thought it was the end of the world, but now that she is here with him, it's like a relief.
-I-I missed you so much! Her grip on his coat became tighter
-I missed you, too... He said and hugged her back, then he kissed her forehead, maybe it will calm her down a little(?), hopefully...
-I n-never wanna go through that ever again... Erwin... Please don't leave me alone... It seems that Haru is having a panic attack.
-Sweetie, please calm down, you are having a panic attack, I can feel you shaking, I don't want you to faint again like last time... The moment the desire energy took you over, I thought I had lost you forever... Please, don't make me go through that pain again, I really don't wanna lose you... He sounded sadder than ever, his tone was depressed too, like he was begging of her to stay...
-I'll... Never do that, Erwin...
Haru let Erwin rest his head on her chest, she hugged his head and burried her face in it.
-I'm very tired... Erwin mumbled
-I can tell... Didn't you sleep or...?
-I stayed up all night to supervise you, I didn't want something bad to happen to you... After that incident, I was more vigilant than ever.
-More like overprotective... Haru giggled
-I... I'll just sleep... Erwin closed his eyed and went in a deep sleep. He fell asleep in Haru's arms.
-Good night, Erwin.
She said and kissed his head.

All these bad things brought me back to you...

Thanks very much for reading! I really put my all in this one ^^"
I'm also preparing a reference(kind of) sheet for "Shadow", but I appreciate everyone's "vision" of her, I think it's nice to let your readers fantasize something different from you, that's what I call originality! :)
Everyone can see her how they want, she's up to your own interpretation! 💖💝
Also please don't hate her, she has a dark past and you'll get to know more and more about her as you go further in the story :3
She's a little meow meow.
Now I'll go take a rest, I'm tired from all this writing...

Keep That Smile Up, ok? Part 2 (The Stringless Puppet of The Void)Where stories live. Discover now