A Day Out

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(I decided to use Pink's "Try" song for this chapter, I thought it fitted the plot, but you can prove me wrong, listened to it while writing also. I love her songs a lot and listened to lots of them in the past and still do. I feel like her songs send an important message to the listener...)

Someone knocked on the hospital room door. Haru got up and went to open it.

It was Stella, Iris and Nabi, they were dressed nicely, probably wanting to go out, by their looks, it seemed like it.
-Hey, do you have a moment? Iris said quietly so she wouldn't wake Erwin up
-Yes, what is it? Haru also used a quiet tone. She went in the hall with the girls and closed the door behind her.
-Haru, me, Stella and Nabi, thought it would be nice if you could join us, we want to take a walk, go shopping and spend some time together. We thought after all that has happened, this would make you, maybe, feel a little better. It might detach you from different negative thoughts. Iris grinned a little, hoping it would encourage the girl
Haru thought for a bit, she couldn't just leave Erwin there by himself, she had to find someone to look after him.
-It is a great idea, but who is going to take care of Erwin? And what about Desire Erwin? Wasn't he attacking the city? Haru asked, a bit of distress could be seen on her face
-I told you before, I asked and it seems that his activity stopped, at least for now, since he donated that energy to Desire Haru, no one has heard anything about him... To be honest, it worries me a little, because Kent could've done something to him by now. He is the type to treat people that disobey them, harshly. Some sweat ran down Iris' face. What if Kent actually did something to Desire Erwin? Even if he did, he was anyways nowhere to be found, so the soulworkers wouldn't be able to find him...
-Well, I think I can go for a walk or whatever, just let me change. Haru had a lil smile at the corner of her mouth, she just wasn't sure of this.
Haru's clothing choice wasn't so fancy, but if Erwin would've seen her, he probably would've considered them "cute" or "pretty".
She blushed at the thoughts.
-I think we can go now. Haru came out of a wall, she had to go back home to change, well, have to say she is really fast.
-You look brilliant!! Iris clapped her hands
-Yay, now let's get some sweets! That has been all over Stella's head the whole time.
Nabi didn't have much to say, but smiled and nodded at the others' comments. She was a little shy, but that was fine, people knew how to communicate with her anyway.
They first went at GruBucks, Haru didn't order anything, it seems that she was thankful with just a cup of water. Iris thought at first that something might be wrong, but maybe she ate and drank before going outside, so she overlooked it.
Iris sipped her coffee and looked through a fashion album.
A long silence filled the room, Stella was afraid of speaking to Haru, the last time they spoke, seemed to affect her. She just opened a bag of candies.
Haru was in her own thoughts, it felt like she was ignoring everything around her.
Iris took her eyes of the album for a bit and looked at Haru, she decided to break the silence and go somewhere else, maybe it wouldn't make her feel anymore uncomfortable.
Haru was silent the whole walk.
They went then to a park, again Haru didn't order anything. Iris felt something was off so she asked.
-Hey everything alright, Haru? You act... Strange... You didn't spoke a thing this whole "trip". Is something the matter? Anything in your mind? She was a little worried about her friend's situation
-I'm sorry... It's just that... I feel weak.., I don't know, all that has happened brought me down to the ground, I don't even know how to lift myself back up, I feel stuck, I...
The Soulworkers' expressions showed distress, but they let her continue.
-It also worries me that we might lose to Kent and... Erwin.. He might die in the process.. The girl couldn't keep it anymore and cried, all her pain was in those tears, even if they left her body, it still hurt her heart, like it has stabbed with a knife.
-... So that's it, huh... *sigh* I know you find these times difficult, I might not be able to understand how you feel, but I can at least try to help... Look, Haru, life is full of painful stuff, we can't stop by and cry stuff out, we have to go on, because being stuck in the past, will make it difficult for you to change the future, which is the only thing you can still change. she grinned hoping it would encourage Haru a bit

Keep That Smile Up, ok? Part 2 (The Stringless Puppet of The Void)Where stories live. Discover now