The reveal

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Everyday Lena's nerves and anxiety grew, it wasn't like she had much to decide on, she knew from the moment they asked her she was going to go. If they could make her feel so wanted via letters, she had to wonder just how much better it would be in words.

Slowly the week passed by. Sunday was spent wondering what she should wear.

Monday she was watching everyone like a hawk, attempting to spot them. Because its totally 100% completly plausable that Lena would suddenly figure it out now.

Tuesday she wondered if maybe she shouldn't go, before dismissing the thought completely. To bad for Lena, her thoughts just seened to run in circles that day, and by the end she had a nice long pro's and con's list written out in her head.

Wednesday the wait was begining to get to her and she snapped at everyone stupid enough to cross paths with her. The evening was spend rereading all the letters yet again.

Thursday, she had calmed and was back to staring holes into people again.

Friday Lena could hardly contain her excitement, knowing that tomorow she would finally find out who it was. That day Lena seemed to be more like Nia than herself. To say everyone was freaked out would be a server understatement.

Finally Saturday had arrived. Lena had woken up just passed 6am. She was so giddy one could easily mistake her for a five year old on Christmas morning.

By seven she had showered, dressed, had eaten breakfast, and was halfway through her morning coffee.

By Ten homework was all finished and she was left staring at the clock, just wanting nothing more then for the next nine hours to just dissapear.

By eleven she's re-chosen what to wear then gone back to her original choice.

By twelve there was a significantly lower patch in the carpet, where she paced back and forth for the past half an hour.

It took a little before one that she decided to be more productive and dug out her laptop and started on her essay again, hour later the cursor was still sitting in the exact same spot.

By four she had given up on being productive and was back to wearing a hole in the floor.

By five she was dressed and busy tapping her now tired feet against the floor while sitting on the couch and watching the clock.

Only when it got to six thirty did her mind snap back from her day long daydream. Questioning continually ran through her head as she made her way to noonans. For each mile she got closer her anxiousness grew and doubts along with it.

Maybe she shouldnt be meeting with them? What if it's someone she can't stand? Or if its some sort of long deliberate joke? Or someone like siobhan? She shudders at the thought. Maybe she should have got Sam to tag along with her.

Crap! What about James? She hasn't mentioned anything about it to him since he questioned her about her mood. How could she not have noticed? It was about the only thing on her mind since last week. But, one meal couldn't hurt right? He never has to know.

Pulling into the car park she made her way to the foyer, butterflys fluttering about her stomach. How was she ment to eat like this? When she spotted someone in the foyer, holding a bunch of roses, one blue, six red, and six dark pink.

Time seemed to stop as Kara Danvers, THE Kara Danvers stepped towards Lena. Was it Kara? Really? Kara? What? It seemed Lena's brain had gotten stuck on a continuous loop while it tried to comprehend the sight infront of her. Every thought being a slight variation of, What the Hell? Kara?.

She hadn't even realised the other girl had stepped infront of her and offered her the flowers. All while wearing the biggest smile Lena had seen on the other girl.

"I'm so glad you came, really you have no idea" letting out a small chuckle, Kara took Lena's hand in her's and led the still shell shocked Lena to their table. Even going as far as to pull out a chair for Lena and giving her a small peck on the cheek, once seated tingles erupting all over the side of her face.

"The blue rose is also given when you acheve the imposible" her hand reaching across the small table to run a finger over the rose. "You being here only ever ocured in my dreams. I hoped, but I didnt think you would".

Senses finaly returning to Lena as Kara paused for a bit. "Kara. what the hell"

"Shh let me finnish first Lena then you can start hurling insults my way." Suprisingly enough Lena listened to her, and sat quietly while the younger danvers carried on. "One rose stands for utmost devotion. Which for you I will always be. Even if after tonight you shun me for the rest of my days." Hand going over to trace the pink followed by the red rose. "Six roses are 'I want to be yours'". Lena watched as Kara's eyes became darker and her voice dropped slightly as she said those words. Looking on as images flickered behind Kara's eyes; it sent shivers up and down her spine.

A moment passed in silence as they stared at one another, before Kara shook herself loose from her thoughts and started up again. "Do you know what thirteen are Lena?" At Lenas nod another grin broke over her face . "Good so will you let me be your not-so-secret admirer?"














I'll make you wait till next chapter...

Jk jk I'm not that crule.

Or am I?

Nah I'm a nice person.

A warm smile crossed Lena's face as she finally spoke


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