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Sunday morning Lena woke up feeling more refreshed than she had in a long time. And more confused. She still couldn't believe that the whole time it had been Kara. It just seemed too out there. Too fantastical.

A short time after breakfast Lena left for a walk, to help clear her head or atleast make sense on her thoughts. So Lena began to roam around the streets no destination in mind, just letting her feet take her where they will.

Kara Danvers, she is the current golden girl of the school she is ment to be Lena's rival. She is supposed to annoy and frustrate Lena to death with her sunny optimisum. Apparently everything she knew about her freind was wrong.

She had a good time last night sure it was awkward at first, but then they talked, really talked in a way that they had never before, atleast not to one another. It left Lena wondering why she hadn't done so in the past. For some reason the roses never came up with a topic though. Did Kara steer away from that subject? Did Lena herself never think to bring it up? Or did they just contiously or uncontiously stear away from it.

By the time Lena turned back into the real world Kara ushering her into her house and onto the couch. When did she even get here? Did she even knock?

Glancing over at Kara, Lena tried to figure out what was going on in the girls mind. How was it that Kara knew the girls every thought, yet Lena was left floundering around attempting to mash what she previously knew of Kara and what she had gleamed through the notes into that one person?

"Kara?" Said the girl that was lost in her own thoughts; "Kara" her voice that tad bit louder and stronger this time. Kara's head snapped around imposibly fast, eyes immidiately locking onto Lena's own. "Yeah"

"Why" the sound coming out more lost then Lena would like to admit.

A chuckle slipping out of Kara's mouth while one hand rubbed her neck "Thought that would be obvious by now" seeing the frown cross Lena's face made Kara drop the humor "For all the reasons I told you, for all the reasons I discovered last night" a far away look and a blissfull smile resting on her face for just a moment "For all the reasons i'm yet to know, and all those I never will"

"What the hell does that even mean?" Arms being thrown up in the stir at the riddle-like answer.

With a small shrug, Kara replied "I can't give you an answer. Not really. I just love you. That's all I can tell you with absolute certainty." She knew Kara loved her. She had told her many times however indirectly through all the notes and flowers, but hearing it straight from her mouth; that made it feel so much more real. As though it was now a phisical object, not just an ideal.

"Okay but why tell me?, I mean you could have just given me the flowers and then stopped. I wouldn't have been any the wiser." Lena would only admit to herself that not knowing would have killed her. "Besides I'm sure it crossed your mind that I could destroy you with this."

Kara's eyes widened a small crinkle forming on her forehead, a look of fear settling on her face. "Would you?" It came out as more of a squeek then spoken words. Lena realising Kara thought she would do exactly that. Lena's eyes began to roam around the room, intent on using every effort to avoid seeing the expression on Kara's face; like she knew was about to be crushed. It didn't belong there.

"Well, no. If you asked me strait out without all of the roses, I probably would have, but after? No. I couldn't do that now." When she finally allowed herself to look at Kara the relief and confusion on her face, eased something within Lena. Before you ask I dont know, I just cant bring myself to ridicule you for it.

Lena watched on was Kara bobbed her head slightly before scilence reterned, Lena couldn't help but wonder it whatever it was that was building between them was going to continue, yet the girl sitting but a few feet away from her has made no indication that it would. Was she just going to stop, after all that?. Lena didn't want that. She wouldn't be able to tell anyone what 'it' was exactly,  but she doubted she could go on without it now that she had been given a sample.

Before Lena could question Kara on it, her sister barged through the door, rambleing about something a rather, honestly she couldn't care less. Quickly becoming annoyed by the elder sibling, she was up and headding to the door, barely ten seconds after she arived. Pausing breefly to turn around hand on the door nob. "Later Kara" door swinging shut behind her, not wanting to hear the danvers sisters argue about a movie.

What was she ment to do about this? Was she even ment to do anything? Before yesterday, Kara simply fell under the tiles of loud, avoid if posible, and sunniest person on earth. Now, she wasn't sure though, all those nicely labled tiles just seemed to blur together till they ment nothing and everything.

Kara never came off as having that much depth to her; then again Lena had never payed that much attention to her beforehand. Perhaps she had missed out on being really good freind with her, despite how much she hated trusting people enough to call them freinds. All over a completely groundless jealously over James, admittedly she never would have thought she was the object in her affections instead. By the time she got home Lena was determind to suss out everything she could about the bubbly blond.

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