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Okay, I effed up. I effed up big time. After researching some details post-Eclipse, pre-BD, let's just say that the details/dates don't align with Jodha's arrival.

It won't align with BellWard's wedding and it won't align with the fact that I FORGOT summer breaks for schools. And...Jodha is a teacher who arrived in June AFTER the showdown with Victoria. Ugh.

Yes, my brain is fried from fixing this. I'll probably go back and add dates to each chapter so I can keep better track of everything. Also, I can't wrap my head around the American education system right now so I'll do summer breaks the way I know it.

Hopefully, this chapter fixes those glaring plot holes.

Sorry for the mess-up! 😣


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🎶 Playlist 🎶

Trevor Something — New High



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[19th June, 2006]

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PLOPPING DOWN ON HER chair in the teacher's room, Jodha knew that she would mesh well with the faculty and the children in Forks Elementary.

Smiling in self-confidence, Jodha hugged herself and wiggled a dance on the chair as she thought of all that she accomplished in such a short morning.

Being transferred to Forks at the end of the school term meant that she wouldn't start teaching until September but she insisted to the principal that she wanted to familiarize herself with the place and the children she would be assigned to in the new term. Admiring her eagerness, Principal Hensley agreed for her to sit-in and observe the classes — especially the way the kids interacted with their teachers.

Seeing as exams were over, the school liked to finish the term with revision classes where the teacher would answer the script that they would've been tested with.

Remembering her own days for revision classes, when she moaned to her friends about getting some answers wrong and panicking at the thought of failing — she was able to feel the exuberance when they cheered for getting the right answer and empathize when their faces dropped in disappointment and realization that they wrote a wrong answer.

Giddy, she recalled how a student had trouble understanding the teacher's explanation but seemed to finally grasp the concept when Jodha put forth her own explanation. That, in turn, caused Mr. Mills to leave the class to deal with an important issue, essentially leaving her on her own. While she had reason to suspect he didn't want to teach the kids, she shrugged and picked up after him. That meant more experience for her, after all, and the bubbly attitudes of the kids were finally brought to the fore with her style of engagement.

Their vibrance elated her to no end and she knew that they would remember her, even after their lengthy summer holidays.

They'd be itching to return to school as soon as possible. Might even attend summer classes since she told them she would also be teaching those.

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