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Is it me, or are the chapters getting longer?

All the more to enjoy, I suppose.

I've been stuck on one day for so long but I promise, this rapid build-up is needed before the story progresses into future dates.

Thanks for reading.

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🎶 Playlist 🎶

Wet Bandits - Movies As Friends



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[19th June, 2006]

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BEING BOMBARDED AS SOON as he walked through the door was not something he was expecting.

Judging from the amount of time spent in their company, he should have.

Alice was relentless and when Emmett was thrown into the mix, Carlisle knew that he'd never escape lest he surrendered a few details to stave off the ravenous beasts.

In seconds, he was divested of his suit jacket and briefcase and pushed onto the couch where the barrage commenced.

"Is she really as gorgeous as I saw?"

"What's her name?"

"I see you guys talked a lot."

"What's she like?"

"Where's your coat?"

"For real, where the hell is your coat?"

Raising a questioning brow at Emmett, who looked more cheeky than sheepish, Carlisle crossed his arms and surveyed each member of his family. Even Bella, who seemed to have been filled in on the details, looked embarrassed but she spoke with a courage he could applaud.

"We're happy you found someone, Carlisle." The human shot him a kind smile as Edward wrapped his arm around her waist. "Perhaps she'll convince you that good people aren't damned."

"Thank you, Bella. For not being as...obvious as the others." He gave the rest of his children an amused grin, unable to keep the faux-annoyance on his face. Alice squealed and clapped her hands while Emmett whooped.

"In that case, will you oblige us?" Edward asked, a subtle smirk on his lips.

"Yeah, spill it, old man."

"Emmett." Esme gave the boy a warning look to which he finally had the gall to look chastised.

Carlisle kept a calm smile on his face, unbuttoning the ends of his shirt sleeves and rolling them up - buying himself some time to assess the storm and react accordingly. "Very well, but go easy on me."

𝐋𝐚𝐯𝐞𝐧𝐝𝐞𝐫 𝐊𝐢𝐬𝐬𝐞𝐬 • 𝐂𝐚𝐫𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐥𝐞 𝐂𝐮𝐥𝐥𝐞𝐧Where stories live. Discover now