Chapter 1, Briggette's POV

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Moving was always a pain, moving from New York City to a small town called Brittlebush Grove in Arizona, well that was really annoying and hard to do. I hated moving when I was a child, and originally told myself I would never move when I first made it to New York at 21. Now that I am 24 I wasn't sure if I wanted to live in the loud and big city. It was getting to be a hassle dealing with the people who called me their friend but only wanted to get intoxicated and borrow money. I realized I had no real friends and I hated my job as a bartender. So here I was. Then again if Great aunt Susan hadn't passed away maybe I wouldn't have moved just yet, I didn't have enough money saved to get my own things but she always said she was going to leave the house to me, I just never believed her.

"Bri!" I heard my mother call from the house and I rolled my eyes. I really wanted to be independent about this, but mom wanted a few things from her aunt's home and dad didn't trust me moving things on my own still. It sucked how much they babied me but I had no real say in the matter so I dealt with it.

"Yes?" I walked up to my mom who I was the same height as in my heeled sandals.

"I gathered all the photos and my favorite nicknacks, other than that she left all the furniture and everything else to you. I hope this is a good fresh start for you. Maybe straighten you out a little," mom said as she put her hand on my shoulder.

"That's the last of it, all your boxes are upstairs in aunt Su- well, your room now," he chuckled a bit. "And I chopped some extra firewood, so that you can have some campfires, or save it for winter I don't know."

"Dad, did you just want to cut some wood?" I teased, since it was the last week of September and still really warm compared to New York. I doubted I would need any fires soon.

"It's fun!" he said with a chuckle.

"Well thank you for helping. But really, I got this from here," I told them and my dad came and gave me a big hug squeezing so tightly I felt my back crack slightly. "Dad!" I groaned and he let me go.

"Oh I'm just going to miss you, I wish you would have just come home instead."

"Now Fred, you know she is an adult now, we became adults once and left our parents," My mother told my dad, I was glad she was taking this so well. Growing up my mom was much clingier and cried over every milestone I made that I could remember. Yet here she was letting me start over in a state I know nothing about. Sometimes I did worry since I had heard there were snakes and scorpions down here, but I didn't want my parents to know I had any fears really.

"Goodbye now," I said in a sing-songy tone and my mother took my dads hand and led him to their car. I let out a sigh as I looked at my car in my new driveway. It was a nice convertible my dad got me when I was 19 since I didn't get my license until I was 18 and they started saving up for it when I was 15 they told me. I felt lucky to have this cute cherry red car, and I thought I pulled it off pretty well.

"Goodbye sweetie!" My mom cooed.

"Good bye, call us before the end of the month!" my dad ordered as they pulled away and soon drove off towards the sunset.

I let out a sigh as I was glad to finally be alone. I went into the new home and looked around, it opened into a small foyer that had a lot of antique decorations my aunt had, she loved everything from the area and grew up out here with her brother, though the story goes that he left as soon as he was 18 for the big city. That was my moms dad and she grew up in the city as well, which might be why I was so drawn to New York for a lot of my youth.

Though now that I was out here in the nice hot weather I started to think I missed out on a nice time by not visiting Aunt Susan. But there was no time to regret, I just couldn't help wonder why she left the home to someone who never came out, maybe so I could enjoy it for the first time.

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