Chapter 2, Fionna's POV

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Everyday was mostly the same, with only a few tweaks to my routine depending on the day and what the universe decided to throw at me. So far the morning was pretty average, I woke up at 5 and made myself a breakfast of eggs and bacon, the best thing to start the morning. The two farm hands who lived in the house with me entered the kitchen and I pointed to the pan of eggs that was left since I normally make extra for them. Jacob and Jonah were nice boys that just hit twenty one, yet I knew them since they were eight. I may only be twenty five but I felt like I had a good life and stable job. I grew up in this house and on this farm with my parents and knew the place like the back of my hand.

"Thanks Finn," Jonah said as he filled his plate with half the eggs. Then Jacob took the rest before they sat at the table.

Some mornings they take the time to make more bacon since I only made my own, but this morning they ate their eggs fast and didn't say a word. The kitchen and dining area has the back sliding door to the back porch and rest of the farm, while the front of the house faces a long dirt driveway.

I liked how far away our little home was, and always did when growing up on the farm. The living room was small as we only really needed the radio and firepit, and the only other room besides a bathroom was the extra room they turned into a farm hand room when I was eighteen. It had two sets of bunkbeds but only Jonah and Jacob ever stayed the night here. When we were little they loved coming over to bug me, but now I saw them more as younger brothers than annoying kids.

Sure they were young but Jacob was very strong and good with moving things around the farm, and Jonah was amazing with animals. He could calm almost any animal down, and has loved the animals since he was a kid.

The two used to grow up on their own family ranch but their parents sold everything but the house when they were nineteen. The two didn't know anything but ranching really, so they asked my parents to work here. But unbeknownst to them, my mom and dad were moving as well. They couldn't keep up with the place anymore especially being in their 50s and the doctor saying mom needed to start using a wheelchair. It was hard to say bye to my parents since I never moved out as a teen or young adult. Now they have a nice cottage that mom loves, but it does take thirty minutes to get there on horse.

Everything was at least a ten minute to twenty minute ride from here including the town nearby that we sell to. Though the roads are worse and with the detours it can take an hour to get anywhere by car. That was why I preferred my horse, Clyde, so much more than my van.

When my food was all eaten I rinsed my dishes and put them in the sink. We did have a kitchen hand who cooked lunch and dinner for us along with doing a lot of cleaning and prep work on what we keep from harvests. They liked the nickname Cookie, and I wasn't one to ignore a request so I call them Cookie. Normally they didn't get here until ten am, so breakfast was usually fend for yourself, though with it being an important meal I encourage all workers to eat before working.

"Pitter Patter boys," I said as I clapped my hands and looked at Jonah and Jacob who were putting their plates in the sink as well.

"I'll go start getting the feed for everyone before Mel gets here," Jacob said before leaving out the back door to the stable that also had the feed containers.

"And I'll go say good morning to all the animals," Jonah informed before leaving.

My morning routine consisted of eating, going out and checking on my horse and my parents' horses they left. I named mine Clyde, Dad's was Marty, and Moms was Dinah. Dad didnt really want to leave Marty but Marty loves Dinah and wouldn't leave without her. Jacob often takes Marty and Jonah uses Dinah. We have a fourth horse too, named Lizzy, that is more of an extra but I love her all the same.

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