Chapter 12, Finn's POV

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It has been a week and the two of us have gone on two dates since our day at the ghost town. One was at Asiago to give her the fancy date she deserved, and the other was at Tilly's diner as a simple lunch date while she was on break from work. I really felt a connection to this girl and wanted to ask her to go steady with me. But that was a scary thought, she could leave any day really. Then again, anyone could leave at any time and life was about trust.

I decided to go talk to Cookie since they got married around 22 and were still happily married now in their 30s. I wondered how they made it work. So I found them in the kitchen making dinner for the night, stew again.

"Hey Cookie, can I ask you for advice?"


"Well, I want to ask out Bri, but Im really scared.. I mean, I don't know what to do, and Im scared because what if she ends up like Mary in anyway, or doesnt accept me or something?"

"You know, funny story. I was really scared to come out but when I came out at 24 to my partner, they hit me with the 'I think Im nonbinary too'. It was cute finding ourselves together and I think an honest and communicative relationship is really special. What I am trying to say is communicate with her, tell her about Mary and your fears. Whats the worst that can happen?"

"She could not like me and then I lost my shot."

"She could stop liking you if you take too long too. Anything can happen but at least you know you tried your hardest to talk it out."

"I guess you're right. Thanks, Cookie."

"Any time deary." they smiled and went back to stirring the pot of stew.

I went up stairs to my room and found some paper and a pencil. I sat at my laptop desk and began writing down ideas for asking her out. I wanted to do something special and get her a gift before I dropped the news about my ex to her.

"Cake, no, cookies, no. Write her a song? I cant sing for shit. Flowers? Yeah... Flowers. Harrison yellow and sage bush. I'll ask Gertie and Carl if they have any for a bouquet tomorrow! Then take them to her house and ask her out officially, maybe jewelry too." I said out loud as I wrote ideas down and crossed them off as I went along.

The next day I went to the flower shop where the older couple was running the place like always. I smiled at them when I walked up to the counter.

"Fionna, what is the occasion?" Gertie asked since I didn't come in often unless I brought them food.

"I need a bouquet," I told her.

"Oh, well these premade ones," she moved to a cooler of bouquets. None had Harrison Yellow or sage, let alone both.

"No no, needs to be handmade today. I want the purple sage, and harrison yellow. More Harrison than sage," I requested.

"Okay, I can do that. Baby's-breath to fill it out too?" she asked.

"Uhhh," I didnt know flowers well.

"Say yes dear," Carl said as he looked at his newspaper.

"Yes," I shrugged.

"Okay, it shouldnt take me too long," she told me.

"Okay, Im gonna look at the jewelry at the antique shop, I will be back," I told her before leaving the shop. The antique shop was across the street by one of the other shops, besides the real flower shop that had a farm, though they only produced recreational flowers.

"Evening, Im about to close up honestly," Everett the shop owner said when I entered the antique store.

"I wont be long Everett, I just want to look at bracelets," I told him as I came over to the jewelry.

"Okay, only cause it's you," he chuckled a bit. "Who's the lucky lady?" he asked as I looked them over.

"What if it is for me?" I asked.

"I guess you could be shopping for a special occasion like a date, which would bring me back to the question."

"What if I want it for daily use?"

"You don't wear bracelets, but if it is really for you okay then I won't ask anymore questions," he smiled and I sighed.

"Fine, it's for the new girl in town, Bri."

"The boutique girl? Adorable," he smiled. "What about something like this..." 


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