Chapter 3, Bri's POV

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I couldn't get the girl with a brown ponytail and green eyes out of my head. After she left all I did was buy some food from a restaurant to go and ate it at home. Now it was the next morning and I was still in bed staring up at the ceiling and the fan that spun slowly. It was hot, but just hot enough to be comfortable laying in a tank top and underwear, but thanks to the fan not too hot.

I stayed on the bed as the small ipod I still had played music while hooked up to the speaker my mom once got me. The music filled the room and my thoughts were only on this mystery girl. I had never seen a girl riding a horse up close but if anything it made her more attractive. I always had a thing for stronger girls, and what's stronger than a horse rider? I sighed as my mind played out multiple fantasies about the girl.

When my alarm for noon went off I pulled myself out of my daze. I had been up since seven but didn't really want to get up until noon. I let out a sigh before stretching my arms above my head then standing up. I decided to finally get working on unpacking a lot of my own momentos and pictures. It was nice not needing furniture or dishes, but I did get out my own coffee maker and espresso maker . I couldn't live without coffee so I brewed some and added oat milk and lavender syrup. I decided to also make myself a bowl of cereal to eat with the same oat milk. I then unpacked the last of my kitchen supplies that I had after eating my food.

I continued cleaning up a bit until it was around three in the afternoon. My mind found its way back to the girl I met and how badly I wanted to see her again. So I got dressed in some jean shorts and a purple tank top. I put on the same sandals that had a nice soul for walking and grabbed some sunglasses. With my satchel purse over my shoulder I headed out towards the shopping district of the town, hoping to see the mystery girl again.

When I got out there I waited outside Pat's Produce for awhile, checking the time on my smartphone. I was there until five pm when a different horse with a male rider approached the store. He hitched the horse in the same spot the girl had hers and took a bag off the horse. I decided I waited here long enough I should just ask him what he knows.

"Excuse me, yesterday a girl was here on a horse. Do you by chance know her?" I asked, walking over towards him.

"Oh Finn? Yeah she did the deliveries yesterday, why?" he asked, adjusting the hat that sat on his red hair.

"Finn?" I asked.

"Yes ma'am, short for Fionna." His accent was just like hers, though it was cute for a guy it was cuter on her.

"Is there anyway I can reach her?"

"Uh, why ma'am?" he asked.

"Oh, I broke her eggs last time and I want to pay her back." I told him which was mostly true. Now I knew her name so I didn't need to ask her, just pay her back. But maybe I could make a friend out here, maybe I could spend more time with a gorgeous girl.

"Well, I think Leslie has her card," he said carrying the bag of produce inside the store. He placed it on the counter and chatted with the lady behind the counter for a bit as I viewed some of the food inside since I never went in yesterday. I grabbed a carton of eggs for myself since I haven't made any in awhile. As I approached the counter with the eggs the boy looked to me.

"And she wants a card for Finn's farm," he said pointing to me before he waved and left the store. I walked up and put the eggs on the counter.

"Finn's card? I think I have a few here she gave me," she said looking under the counter for a bit before handing me a card and scanning the eggs. "Two fifty five."

"Thank you," I said, giving her exact change and taking both the card and eggs. I then took the short walk home before putting the eggs in my new fridge and looking at the card.

I paced the room for a while debating to call but since it was getting later and later I decided I had to. So I took out my smartphone and put the number in before calling.

"Hello? Fionna Harris, who is this?"

"Hello? Fionna Harris, who is this?"

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