Chapter 3

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Aaya followed a set routine.

She found appropriate stones which were good for grinding and flat thin ones to serve as plates. Then she started on making the pastes and potions.

She ground out the first potion of herbs, the delicate fragrance of the natural medicine wafting a fragile beautiful scent to the warm air, mixing with the tranquillity of the lush vibrant spot.

After it was made, She had approached the warrior, her intention on helping him put on the medicine clear.

The man had tensed his muscles and swiped her with the jagged end of the wood, as soon as she had gotten close.

Aaya had been prepared, so she dodged the arc. But then persisted.

"Will you not tell me your name?" She would ask.

When she saw that the man had the resolve to not stop his continued attacks, Aaya would put down the flat rock with the medicine near him, and then retreat before he opened up his wounds with his actions.

The cycle would then repeat.

She would make the next potion, work right in front of him, eyeing the untouched medicine by his side, go near him when the other was completed, dodge his attacks while asking for his name, then keep the medicine near him with detailed instructions on how to apply it or where.

After four attempts, she did not go back to her small area she had set up to make the herbs ready for him, but went to the edge of the clearing. She glanced back once, to see the man steadily staring back at her with his cold gaze.

Smiling at him, which went unnoticed under the veil, Aaya walked a little deeper in the forest.

After 20 minutes, she walked out after gathering the fruits she knew would be nearby. The fruits were stored in the fold of her long veil, lifting it up to her chest.

When she came out to the clearing again, in the periphery of her vision, she saw the man sitting back again.

Had he tried to follow her? In the state he was in? if that were the case then why would he not let her come closer?

Keeping her gaze on her spot, she did not give him a glance as she went straight ahead. Aaya took her time washing the fruits and using her small knife to cut it in pieces.

She wilfully chose to ignore the aura of darkness intensifying at the glimpse of the small knife she had taken out of her basket.

Following the repeated set of actions, she took the fruits to him, "Will you tell me your name?" she asked yet again.

By now, the hostility in the man's eyes had banked greatly, his attacks were of the same pattern.

Judging by the skill and power he had, Aaya knew that this warrior was seasoned enough to know never to attack in the same movement, repeatedly in the same style and same places. If the enemy could anticipate the oncoming attack by being observant to this shortcoming, the life of a soldier on a battlefield would be forfeit.

Which meant that this pattern was just for her. He was just putting up a front with no real intention for his offensive action to actually harm her. He was just going through the motions to protest her presence.

With the passing hour and her effort, the warrior was less and less wary of her.

Or that with his blood loss he is more and more closer to his death.

As she was caught up with these thoughts, Aaya went towards him with the fruits she had cut but forgot to swerve around the expected attack.

The jagged end of the stick scratched her forearm hard, the ends getting embedded in her sleeves. Aaya lost her balance as she felt a few slivers of the wood piercing her skin.

Dark Embrace [Hoseok FF] [SOF Prequel 0.2] ✔Where stories live. Discover now