Chapter 23

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"Hoseok. . . . . please don't go." Anya clutched his leather vambraces not letting him go.

Hoseok smiled, "You are calling me by name? you are that worried?" he playfully teased her and took her in his embrace, "Your General is invincible Gazelle, don't you know that? Only two people in this world can take my life."

He kept her within the shelter of his arms, the two of them standing in the huge, tastefully decorated room. Him completely dressed in his fighting garb, his hair tied back, her wearing only a flimsy robe loosely tied over her body, her long hair loose.

Her head was tucked in under his chin, her arms wrapped around his torse, while the man stood bent over her fragrant delicate frame, her small body almost enveloped by his broader one.

He murmured, "One is you, the other, me."

"You are hurt." She reminded him, "You are badly hurt by those traps. Your strength is not at its best, neither is your-"

"For a weak man playing around with a bunch of social rejects like those rebels, me even at half my strength is an insult to me, do you know that?" Hoseok cajoled her, puffing up his shoulders, "After all I am the legendary Demonic General whose name will be imprinted throughout History as-Oww!!"

"I am truly worried!" Anya who had pinched him hard looked at him with eyes that had nothing but seriousness in them, "I don't feel right. I truly don't."

Hoseok became serious when he saw her agitation. He quietly drew her to the bed and made her sit on it. then he knelt down before her.

Holding her hand, he promised, "That person is a threat to you, he knew about you. I cannot give this away to someone who might not get the conclusive finality that I want. But!"

He exclaimed when he saw her about to protest again, "But! I will complete this task swiftly. I wont even be a day. The location of the places he might be hiding is solid. I'll return to you before you can miss me. I promise."

Anya bit her lips and looked away.

"When have I ever broken my Promise to you Gazelle?" his voice was soft with affection.

"Never." Anya whispered, but still refused to look at him.

Leaning forward, Hoseok whispered in her ears, "At least it means you love me." Anya looked at his pleased expression, she opened her mouth to make a sarcastic remark when she realized, that she had not said it to him. Not since he had taken her to his home.

"Will you say it to me?" Hoseok asked her when she swiftly shook her head. Miffed at that, he sat back on his haunches.

"Come back to me safely." Anya replied, "Since you wont listen to me, I will hold onto this."

A delighted smile spread on his face, the General radiated warmth of joy when he greedily asked, "Marry me. When I come back, marry me."

"Three years of mourning should be-"

Hoseok kissed her deeply on her lips, his tongue sliding in seductively against her. "Marry me. Please. Be mine."

Anya helplessly smiled against his lips, "If I say no will you-"

She was deeply kissed again.

After a few more kisses, she relented, "I will."

Immediately, Hoseok stood up, "I need to leave!" he said, "If I leave now, I will come back sooner. I am leaving Ha-Ru and Hoon Chul with my squadron with you."

"No!" Anya grabbed his hand before he could walk away, "NO. Listen, you insist on going even in the state you are, but to leave behind your most skilled and most trustworthy men? General, please don't! Take them with you, if you so wish, then leave all your men here with us but take Ha-Ru and Hoon Chul."

Dark Embrace [Hoseok FF] [SOF Prequel 0.2] ✔Where stories live. Discover now